Sunday, May 18, 2014

Hi! -  If you are here to view my Scavenger Hunt Sunday photo's please click on the link to be directed to that post.

I'm joining in on SONG-OGRAPHY this week as well.  Hosted by Kathy from (You'll Shoot Your Eye Out).  The song this week is:  Upside Down by Jack Johnson.

Here is my take:

Lately this is how I've been feeling.  Like I'm spinning round and round, upside down.  Life gets so busy sometimes you barely have time to breath but in the end it all seems to work out and then you wonder what all the fuss was about.

Photo taken at the Ducky Derby.  For another shot from the derby be sure to check out my Scavenger Hunt Sunday entry.


  1. a cute sudsy run for those duckies. :)

  2. Very funny! I love this beautiful photo!

  3. This is a brilliant shot and totally sums up that feeling of tumbling upside down


  4. Cool little rubber ducks. We have a yearly duck race here in Maine too. I thought it was a strange thing to do the first time I saw it advertised and have never been around to see one in person in 10 years. Maybe next year. It must be something to see.

  5. Great shot! I kind of feel that way, too...

  6. This is so great! I hope life is spinning for good reasons - but this cute shot made me laugh!

  7. Oh, is this one of those duck races that I keep seeing on sign posts? Poor duckies ;)

  8. I think your feelings are the song of many a person during May!

  9. I hope that you will have a nice weekend. :)

  10. That is a funny idea. I hope ou can find some quiet time beore you end up spinning like the rubber ducks.

  11. Oh, this shot gave me a smile!!

  12. The ducky derbies crack me up. Excellent choice for this week's song.

  13. awwww, what a ducky shot ;)

    I hope things slow down a bit for you can enjoy spring just a little bit more!!

  14. Great shot - perfect for being tossed around and being upside down!

  15. unique and Fun!
    Great shot..

  16. What a fun photo.. Makes me smile.

  17. So fun! I never heard of a duck derby before. Cute.

  18. Darling photo Ida! I hear you on life being busy and I am still waiting for "what all the fuss was about"!

  19. I hope the spinning stops for you, Ida, or at least changes to a slower pace. Your duck photo suggests that you are trying to keep a sense of humour through all the swirling!


  20. This is the perfect illustration of how crazy life can get! It is true that when a busy time passes, we often look back and wonder what the fuss was all about!

  21. Haha...this is sooo cute! Love it! Fantastic creativity. Thanks for sharing at Song-ography.

  22. This is such a cute photo! We have a Ducky Derby run in Greenville your not in Greenville are you?

  23. Now that's a lot of rubber duckies!

  24. It looks like a bunch of ducks got trapped in a waterfall.

  25. Ida that's so funny; I had a chuckle ----with the intro' photo I thought oh no???? Surely????? I stared fixed to the screen wondering how they got all the little ducklings in there and then just going to elevate the trailer and push them out??? A fun day it seems ....


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