Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Guest Blogging Today

Hi,  I've been a bit under the weather this week and haven't been on the computer much.  I just wanted everyone to know that today I am a Guest Blogger over on The Enchanting Rose hosted by Stephanie.  She is such an inspiration and a wonderful person.  I was delighted that she allowed me to share on her blog today where I'll be speaking a little about my love of cats and one very special cat.  Please stop by and check out Stephanie's blog and my post as well.  Have a great day.

Before I go here is a kitty photo not yet shared on this blog.

  Meet Gwen (the black cat) and Richard (the Tiger Striped cat).  They also belong to the people who own Eric who has been featured here on this blog a lot.  They stay close to home while Eric roams about now.


  1. I hope you feel better soon!

    The kitty picture is so cute!

  2. Super cats. I love them too. I'll whizz on over to your guest blog post now. All the best, Bonny

  3. I hope you feel better!!! I will go over and check it out. Cute kitties!

  4. Lovely kitties and photo.
    My neighbor had two Tiger cats and they were both a bundle of joy.
    Peace :)

  5. Gwen and Richard are a gorgeous couple! Hope you're soon feeling better.

  6. Love the kitties! They are beautiful!

  7. I love cats!

    So sorry you feel bad. God bless you.

  8. Cute photo! Hope you're feeling better now.

  9. It was a lovely post, Ida. I left a comment over there. These two are beautiful creatures. Funny how they stay home and the other one roams. They each have their own unique personalities, don't they?


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