Friday, October 31, 2014

Friday Fun Memes.

 Joining in again on several Memes.  Hope you have fun.

Click to Enlarge all photos.

Let's get started with Fill-In For Friday Fun hosted by Hilary from Feeling Beachie

The statements:
  1. During a______, I_______
  2. Enjoying_____ is________
  3. Listening to______ is something_______
  4. Answering______ can be ________
My answers:

1.  During a television show, I like to have it totally quiet so I can watch the show.  You can't talk during the show if you watch with me you wait until commercials.
2.  Enjoying a cup of coffee in the morning is essential to starting my day.
3.  Listening to music (see WNF5) is something I love.
4.  Answering kids questions about life can be difficult at times especially when you don't have all the right answers.

Moving along to Willy-Nilly Friday 5 hosted by Tanya (Around Roanoke)  I have some Halloween fun for you today.


1.  Some musical fun with Bobby "Boris" Pickett and the Crypt Kickers from 1962 -  I never get tired of this song.  It's just so fun.

Coleen as "Bat Cat" for Halloween
2.  Remember Frankenstein the monster...check out this version. (Note it's a little graphic)  Personally I like the old version better.

A cool house near the Country Club decked out with some fun decorations.
3.  How would you like to live next door to this house?  - Can you imagine all the work it took to put up that display.

4.  Here's a link to some Halloween Cartoons.  Some are pretty funny but there are a few that might be offensive to some.  My favorite was Hilda in the Anger Management Class.

Big Scary Cat - My entry for Feline Friday & Feline Art as I've decked him out a little below.

5.  Had a little fun Photo Editing this week.  While out on one of our photo hunts Coleen and I spotted this in someone's yard.
It's not everyday that you see a Gargoyle guarding the entryway to someone's home.  It's scary all on it's own but after a little fun in Pic Monkey I think it's even scarier.  What do you think?

Well I know this has more the 5 photos but I couldn't help myself today and since I want to leave you on a lighter note I'm adding one more photo:
                                Another find on one of our outings.


  1. Great fun! Have a great weekend. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  2. Love everything Halloween y'know...this post was cute, eerie, and ever so enjoyable. That house with all the creepy critters hanging around the windows/roof/porch I LOVE!!

    Cute Bat Cat too.

    Happy Haunting!!!

  3. Way cool. Love the big cat.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and a very happy Halloween too. :)

  4. my favorite pic is the gargole spewing fire. woo hoo. that is a beautiful home and i do hope i never get next door or even close to a house with all those decorations, Chrismtas or Halloween or any time.
    all your answers are good for me except the music. i rarely listen to music.
    before i read yours mine were
    During a lightning storm I pray and hide
    Listening to others is something hard for me to do.
    Answering written questions on a test can be hard for me to do.

    i agree with your number 1. I have to rewind a lot here because bob talks over what they are saying.

  5. Some fun pics here too! Love her costume, very fun!

  6. Love that house! It had the perfect decorations for that kind of house! Colleen looks adorable! A batcat, I love it!

  7. Hi Ida!
    Gargoyles creep me out! Scary Halloween costumes and decorating creep me out. I like Kitties, and Bunnies! LOL! Even my jack-o-lanterns have smiley faces. Oh well!
    Happy All Hallows Even, friend. xo, m & jb

  8. oh ida, i LOVED the video, that's what i call halloween spirit!!

    i was hoping they would show a daytime image as well, i bet it looks cool then also!!!

  9. I loved your spookytastic photos heheh!

  10. Ida, you have really come up with some great pictures and ideas on this post today! Love the gargoyle photo shop.

  11. bat cat is cute as can be! that house is gorgeous and i love the decorations! i also love your editing on the gargoyle! happy halloween and thank you for linking :)

  12. Scary!! Great job on the editing work! I really like that big cat. Coleen costume is very cool!

  13. Great post, happy Halloween! I love the houses decorated.. And Coleen looks cute in her costume.. Your edited photo of the gargoyle is cool Have a happy weekend!

  14. LOVE the Monster Mash montage of old movies and the Light show of Bohemian Rhapsody...too cool! Love what you did with the gargoyle too. Great fun Halloween Friday Five!

  15. Happy Halloween, Ida.
    The BatCat is quite scary :)

    Peace :)

  16. A fun post with great photos and my fav is Coleen. Hope you guys have a nice weekend.

  17. I'm with you on the coffee…. I am having some now :)

  18. I like Coleen's costume! Great editing job on the gargoyle!

  19. I do love those house light shows set to music: but yeah, probably NOT my next door neighbour! LOL

    That big house with the decorations is awesome!

  20. Little bit lad ... Day late and a dollar short as usual .. But what a great Halloween post! You have too much fun on yor photo hunts! The gargoyle,both resins is my favorite!

  21. Little bit lad ... Day late and a dollar short as usual .. But what a great Halloween post! You have too much fun on yor photo hunts! The gargoyle,both resins is my favorite!

  22. What a fun post, Ida. I love the way you "dressed up" your photos - they look amazing!

    I hope you had a lovely weekend, my friend. Enjoy your Sunday. Hugs!

  23. Love your photos...thanks for sharing.

    Nice answers to the Friday Fill Ins too.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Follow Friday Four Fill-In

  24. This is a really fun post.
    You are right that IS a HUGE SCARY CAT - and golly, the photo editing on your gargoyle is marvelous!!!

  25. Fantastic fun pictures, Ida! I love how folks go all out with the decorating. We had one little pumpkin this year, but it was carved into an owl with glowing eyes. I love the gargoyle.

  26. Yes, indeed, wonderful pictures, I like this beautiful "Bat Cat"!


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