Friday, November 7, 2014

Willy Nilly Friday 5 - Nov. 7, 2014


Hi!  -  It's Friday and that means it's time for a little,
WILLY-NILLY FRIDAY FIVE hosted by Tanya at
Around Roanoke.
1.  With all the rain we've had the last couple of weeks and then some warm days lots of various "fungi" have been popping up all over the place.  I spotted this one growing sideways in my mom's yard.
Check out this link (Fungal Jungal) to learn more about mushrooms.  I've always thought these were "toad stools" but apparently that's just a name people have given any fungi that they think is poisionous or non-edible.
2.  Coleen and I spotted this colorful rooster in a yard one day so we stopped and asked if we could take a picture of it.  So how about some other chickens you might like.  Check this one out (I think it's cool). 
Speaking of cool while looking for more chicken related stuff I stumbled upon this web site showing sculptures made out of Willow Branches.  There is a chicken one there too.  Be sure to check it out as these are so awesome.
3.  It's time for Black and White vs. Colored.  Which version do you prefer.  I happened upon this house on a walk and thought the staircase looked interesting so I photographed it.
4.  Tropical plants fascinate me. Coleen and I spotted these in someone's yard while out on a walk just a few houses away from the home above.
I think it would be fun to grow some tropical plants.  Check out this neat website.  It even has some games for kids to play and learn about tropical plants.
5.  Forgot to post pictures of Coleen from the Pumpkin patch before Halloween so will share this one now.  She's been watching a "weird" but cute little cartoon series all week called, Over The Garden Wall.   We missed last nights episode and she had a "mini-melt down" until Grandma saved the day and found the episode on the Internet so we watched it.  Check out the cartoon and see what you think.
Bonus photo (following Tom - The Backroads Traveller) because 5 just isn't enough (the extra one for my BW/Color) doesn't count.)
This is a building in town that I just had to photograph yesterday while the weather was still nice and it wasn't raining.  Will share more of the photos I took next week.  Colorful isn't it!


  1. That vine covered wall is absolutely gorgeous! You do find the best stuff on your neighborhood walks ... and you're great at finding fun stuff on the Internet too.

  2. #1 This reminds my of a cartoon I saw years ago. Mushrooms $2.00/lb Mushrooms? $1.00/lb.
    #2 Neat rooster strutting it's stuff.
    #3 I a color sort of guy.
    #4 Looks like cannas, but who knows, my eyes aren't what they use to be!
    #5 I'm glad it wasn't a major melt down.
    #6 And here I thought I was the only one having trouble counting. That Boston Ivy sure has some great color.
    Tom The Backroads Traveller

  3. i love that chicken in the yard, so cool! hmmm, i think i prefer the black and white version and that building is awesome with all the colorful vines! cute one of colleen too! have a great weekend and thanks for linking :)

  4. This is indeed a colorful time of year. Love the rooster, and like your B & W steps photo.

  5. Lovely images, Ida!I love the rooster,he would look good in my yard.. Coleen in very photogenic, very cute shot.. The Autumn leaves on the wall are gorgeous, lovely colors.. Have a happy weekend!

  6. Gosh that last shot is interesting- unique. I'm off to check out the willow ranch sculptures.

  7. like the big yard bird. :) and really like those chippy steps in both versions.

  8. I will have to go to the fungal jungal site, I have mushroom all over in a shaded part of my yard. Love that rooster! Looks like Coleen had a blast at the pumpkin patch! I can't wait for you to share more of that colorful wall!

  9. Nice pictures! My favorite is the Pumpkin and Coleen!

  10. that wall is mind blowing.. beautiful and she looks so happy with that pumpkin and full of joy...that rooster is really cool, i like that a lot..

  11. Ever been attacked by a rooster? Ain't fun! And I'm talking about a normal 15 incher. Cripes this one would be a 'Killer'. Look out Jerry Lee Lewis!

  12. Your photos are just gorgeous. I think I like the color photo of the stairs best, but they are both amazing.
    Hey, I even like your fungi. ;)
    Have a great weekend!

  13. What a great picture of Colleen, such a beautiful, natural smile!!

    And that wall/fence is amazing, gorgeous colors!!

  14. These are gorgeous! Love the wall and those stairs are really striking.

  15. Wow that wall of color is beautiful!!!

  16. Great collection of photos - love the big chicken and that ivy hanging over the wall! The staircase looks wonderful both ways and love the wind blowing Coleen's hair! xo Karen

  17. Dang, Ida, each photo was another "wow"! I had to check out the rooster link -- so cool that it's a fan! What a fun gift it would be, but pretty expensive. I thought your black and white photo was great this time, and then I saw the color on the stairs and realized they are what makes the stairs so special. So, either/or, but that color is awesome. Super photo of Coleen. Love the movement and her happy expression. Finally, the wall is gorgeous!

  18. This is a lovely series of photos, like the black and white of the steps. You saved the day for Colleen :). Thanks for the links. I will check those out. Thank you also for the comment on my blog. Have a great weekend!

  19. Nice shots! Great black and white! I like both versions, though. Love the colors on that building whatever the stuff is! Vines?

  20. Great pictures.

    Love them all. Oh yes that rooster is awesome.

  21. Not sure why my comment did not go through.

    I enjoyed all pics Ida and yes that rooster is pretty neat.

  22. Like the B&W better! That ivy-covered wall is gorgeous! Loved those beautiful plants all over the walls in their rich reds when we were in Ireland many years ago! The willow sculptures are amazing! Some of them are downright creepy, though. :-) I love the live one the best. And the photo of Colleen is really nice! I agree with her, when I miss my favorite shows, I get upset, but thankfully no9w there are dvr's! :-)

  23. Omg, what a wall! I thought I saw a toad stool in the vegetable market last week. Love the colored shot of the stairs and the giant chicken. Have a great weekend.

  24. The colored shot of the steps is lovely! I like that you only took part of the house.
    Nice shot of Coleen.

  25. I have mushrooms all over one side of my lawn too. crazy trying to keep the kids away from them.

    I like the B&W version of that shot. if the colours were a bit more saturated in the coloured version, it would stand out. thus the black and white is more interesting.
    but the vine covered wall - wow!

  26. I can't decide if I like the staircase in color or b&w better! Both are awesome.

  27. Wonderful images all! I really love that staircase and door in both b&w and color! And the chicken and the vine covered wall...beautiful work!

  28. Great shots! Love that one of Colleen! She looks as if she is having a great time with that pumpkin. Also love the colors on the viney wall. Gorgeous. Hope you are well and having a great fall! First thing you know it will be the holidays. How did this come so fast????

  29. Love that rooster! I like your b&w shot, but I think I actually prefer this one in colour. The colours are so soft and pretty.
    As always, the photo of Coleen is wonderful, and I'm intrigued by that colourful building!


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