Thursday, November 6, 2014

Good Fences With Cats

I seem to be "behind" this week in just about everything but I'm hanging in there.  So let's join in with the GOOD FENCES meme hosted by Theresa from (The Run-a-round Ranch Report.) - Joining in as well for FELINE ART and FELINE FRIDAY - Will link to those tomorrow.

 One afternoon I was out taking pictures around the house and spotted, Eric the Cat on the back neighbors shed.  He hopped down on the fence when he spotted me and I just happened to snap a shot of him yawning through one of the broken boards on our back fence.  -  Purr-fect (sorry I couldn't resist) timing.

The morning that the Hot Air balloons were up a couple of weeks ago Ghost was out and about.  He hopped up on the fence between my mom's property and the next door neighbors.  I snapped a couple of shots and then played around with this one in PicMonkey and Ipiccy to make it a little more "artistic" looking.

So that's my entry today for Good Fences.  Be sure to check out all the other great fences by visiting the link above.  Have a great day.


  1. Hi Ida! What great fence shots with those cats!

  2. thee are wonderful, i love that yawn through the fence. critters on fence or behind fence or in front of fence makes for GOOD fences.. love these.

  3. There can never be enough cat pictures. Nicely done!

  4. Two great photos! Loved how you caught the yawn :) and neat effects in the second photo.

  5. Great shot of the yawning cat! Good fence, too. Have a great day!

  6. I love the one through the crack in the fence! So funny!

  7. I love cats and these pictures! Great post!

  8. How cute! I'll show these to my hubby...he loves cats! The first one was quite a pose! Enjoy your day! Hugs!

  9. These are excellent! The first one is pretty awesome!

  10. Adorable kitty photos.. And great fence shots, Ida! Enjoy your evening.!

  11. I am always open to a good cat shot ... that shot of Eric is prceless. He all but blends into the fence. Were it not for that BIG mouth, I might not have even noticed him there. You were in the right place at the right time And, had your camera in hand ... I'm impressed. I also enjoyed your edited picture of Ghost ... what a handsome boy. I will have to look into the art sites you mentioned ... always nice to find new ways to do old stuff. Love it, Ida ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  12. Ooh my gosh those are just great! That top one is priceless.

  13. Those are both great shots! They say yawns are contagious and that first one is almost making me want to yawn too.

  14. I agree they are adorable fence models.

  15. Very nice shots. I was always a cat person until I became an adult (and my mom and sister both got dogs).

    Now I'm a cat and dog person!

  16. Great photos! Love all that green, and the cats are great!

  17. Cute captures but I really like the first one! :D

    Thanks for stopping by to comment on my gate and fence.


  18. These are GREAT! Love the kitties.

  19. Love your shot of the cat yawning through the fence! Great perspective! Very nice photo of Ghost!

  20. Hi! Great picture of Eric yawning and Ghost is soo handsome!

  21. Love your first photo of the cat yawning through a gap in the fence.

  22. Oh, my gosh! Those are the best photos! The first one is a real prize winner, I swear. And Ghost always looks so beautiful and befitting his name. The sky behind him really adds to the photo, too.

  23. The green fence is neat with your kitty topping it off. However, I love the capture of the one yawning.

  24. lol, first image is a winner. Love it!

  25. That top shot is amazing great capture. Hug B

  26. You made Ghost look a bit scary Ida, but I'm sure he's not. Love that name though.

  27. That first one of Eric is purr-fect, you're right! And I love what you did to the photo of Ghost.Very artsy!

  28. Fences and cats - it hardly can get any better!

  29. These special fence shots are very well done. I like having the cats to set off the images. Very well done.

  30. Cats rock. I just love cats.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday. ☺

  31. Haha kitty fence models brilliant shots :-)

    Have a fencetastic weekend :-)

  32. I think the "purr-fect" pun is absolutely forgiveable given that it is so cute and such a great shot!

    the other one looks really good with the edit. PicMonkey is one of my faves to play around with.

  33. Great yawn on that first one! I think I can see his/her stomach!

  34. That first image looks like a lion instead of a cat!!

  35. It IS a purr-fect shot! So cute and funny at the same time.

  36. The one of Eric is terrific! Makes me think of a lion behind a fence. :)
    Thanks for your visit. I'm slowly getting back into my blogging. :)

  37. Your cat photographs are always amazing! These are wonderful.

  38. Hehehe, what a snapshot, the first :-)


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