Thursday, February 12, 2015

Good Fences#47 and Photo Art

Welcome!  -  Gosh it seems like I just can't seem to get caught up visiting all your blogs and I apologize for not commenting as often as I'd like to.  Just know I so enjoy all your blogs and the fact you stop by mine as well.

So let's joining in on the fun of GOOD FENCES hosted by Theresa from, The Run-a round Ranch Report.)

Last week we had a bout an hour where the sun actually came out and I took advantage by taking a little walk around the neighborhood.  I knew there was this neat looking wall/fence that I wanted to photograph so that's where I went.

This is what it is made out of.  Concrete Blocks.

Here is part of it.

Looking down the full length of the fence towards the street.  I too this shot from the alley.  YOu can see how muddy it was due to all the rain we'd had.

The best part of the fence though was what I found at the end where it connected with a little storage shed.........

I thought the gate was super cool looking.  What do you think?
So now for some digital art.

Joining in with NAF this week where the optional theme was birds.

I chose to use a photo of Pelican's taken last summer.  I edited the photo using the Posterize feature on PicMonkey

 Original below:
I cropped the photo first and then used the Posterize feature and also bit of color adjustment, added sunlight and the Urbane look from PicMonkey to get the finished piece.  I rather like how it turned out.

Also joining Cherie from The Froelich Diaries again for her new photo art meme (Photo Art Thursday).  Please stop by her blog and view her work.  It's pretty awesome.  I'm not really versed in using layers and such so my piece is nothing that fancy but it was fun.

This is the original photo.  Coleen and I spotted this bottle tree and a few other interesting things in a yard recently so I stopped and snapped some photos.

Next up I played around with the photo and got this version:

Finally after playing some more I ended up with this:

  It totally changed the look of the original for sure.  I hope you have enjoyed the Good Fences and the Photo Art.  Have a great day.


  1. Oh yes, this is a great processing of nice photos !
    This is my post
    ♥ly greetings

  2. i love bottle trees. :) and love that pretty concrete fence and wooden gate, too! thanks for linking when you get a chance, ida!

  3. Ida I love the first edition of the bottle tree the best. The watercolor effect is spot on. It is so colorful! Aren't fences mesmerizing?

  4. Hello Ida, great collection of images.. The fence and gate are pretty. And I love the Pelicans, both the real one and the artsy ones. Have a happy day!

  5. Hi Ida, love this concrete fence and the gate is pretty cool. Your photo art is amazing. Thanks for stopping by and your kind comment.
    Have a nice weekend.
    Hugs, CM

  6. That fence is made to last! Nice combo of texture with the wooden gate.
    I have bottles saved for a bottle tree. Been meaning to do one for about three years now. :)
    I really like your first art photo of the tree - the ducks too. It's fun to play around with photos I think.

  7. I love the concrete wall, and your painting, it is beautiful Ida.

  8. Such fun with your art creations! That concrete block fence isn't going to fall down, is it, Ida?

  9. Oh, my goodness, Ida! I really love that fence...I think part of what appeals to me is thedifferent heights...

    But your 'art' is wonderful I lve the ones of the bottle tree...cannot pick a favorite though!

  10. Hi Ida...
    this is a very neat fence...and the gate is just as neat. Y'all have had some rain! What fun you must have had in playing with the photography. I'm glad that we get to enjoy your work. The bottles are fun!
    Hope you enjoy a lovely evening..

  11. Another nice looking concrete fence :)
    And I like what you did to the other pictures, the new pelicans are almost prettier than the old ones :))
    The final result of the bottle tree is really great, you can sell that as art :D
    (but perhaps with a more modern frame around it...)
    Have a fine day Ida!

  12. love the pic of the pelicans - what a sight:)

  13. I know the feeling about not being able to keep up! :)

    Love the bottle tree. GREAT!

  14. Your fence is strong and I think it is built of concrete..

  15. I love the artsy things you are doing with your pics! I want that bottle tree. And I agree that that fence is pretty neat!

  16. Hi Ida,
    The gate and the wall/fence are beautiful. I also like your artistic work using the photos.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    Have a Beautiful Day!
    Peace :)

  17. i like the gate and the concrete fence and LOVE All of your edits. really I do.. fantastic art

  18. Love the post processing you did on the images and lovely fencing with a super cool gate.

  19. Hi Ida, this is a lovey post. Grat photos!

  20. The pelicans look very painterly … what an interesting artistic effect. And I like how the fence pattern is so precisely repeated.

  21. Great looking fences ida, and love your pelican shots. So cold out some of these places. Hope your year is going great so far!

  22. Ooh, I love the first bottle tree edit with the blue bottles so bright. Great edits, Ida!

  23. Well I'm a big fan of bottle trees! I love your photo edits- very cool!

  24. I like the wall made of the decorative concrete blocks.
    Nice job on the photo art.

  25. When they put up that fence, they intended to not have to replace for a long time. You do not see many like that.

  26. love pelicans...and love your processed version

  27. The gate is cool, I agree. I love that even though the fence is made of concrete it's done in a beautiful way.

  28. I like the concrete fence and that bottle tree! They are a favorite of mine!

  29. I LOVE all this editing stuff. I have been trying to experiment more lately too. It's amazing how much you can change an original photo. I really like that posterize feature too.
    And wow - who knew that concrete blocks could look so interesting!

  30. I do like that door and the cinder blocks make a great petal pattern. I have to get better about remembering NF's DAM meme!

  31. The last one madde me smile and I enjoyed your pelicans.
    Have a nice day :)

  32. That is an attractive cement block fence! Sure do like your artistic post-processing images! I'd love to find a bit of spare time to try out some of those edits.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving your kind comments.

    Hope you have a nice weekend!


  33. Your photo art today is amazing! They all look like paintings, and very colorful! Great fence with something so simple as cinder blocks. Love that rugged gate, too!

  34. So many beautiful variations. Love the enchanting watercolour effect in the last image.

  35. Beautiful pictures, wonderful composition with bottles of colors! I love these pictures!

  36. WOW! Lovely fence shots. Love your editing on the last shot.

  37. Hi Ida, What an interesting fence. Neat link up with Good Fences. Also enjoyed your digital art. Always appreciate your comments on my blog. Have a good weekend. John

  38. Not there's a fence that won't rot away. It will outlast even that sturdy door.

  39. the fence/concrete wall is quite interesting but i'm right there with you on the yumminess of that gate!!

    i LOVE the bottle trees and i keep saying i am going to make one. i better put it on my list!!!

  40. That is an awesome fence, someone had an idea when building that.
    Love your art shots.

  41. A fine series featuring your excellent processing.

  42. i love the pelicans and the glass bottles ... i see folks decorating with them all the time. so cool!! ( :

  43. That is a very sturdy fence and I do like the gate. You are very creative!

  44. nice fence, but your art blew me away. That is so cool, and it looks like a real watercolor image. Love it :)

  45. The posterized pelicans are so fun and very interesting bottle tree. I don't recall ever seeing one of those things before.

  46. That's a very cool fence and I love the little gate!

  47. Lovely fence photos, and I especially like the bottle tree photos! I am going to make myself one of those, someday!

  48. I am always amazing at the fences you find. I need to pay more attention and see if there are as many interesting fences in my area, and I just overlook them? Or maybe folks just don't have them around here. Either way, I always enjoy seeing what you find.

  49. That is a great fence!

  50. Love your fence photos, and yes, I like the gate, too. And I LOVE your edited images. The pelicans are great, but the last two are awesome!!! Wow.


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