Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Black and White Wednesday - The Ride of Your Life

Hello & Welcome!

I'm joining Adrienne (My Memory Art) today for Black & White Wednesdays.

 Life is just a never ending carnival ride. - Ups, Downs, Twists and Turns,

 You'll never know if it is going to come to a Stop or if the Ride has just begun.; so buckle your seat belt

 because you're about to take the ride of your life!

I found that quote this morning and thought it fit these pictures perfectly.  And life really is like a carnival ride at times. 

Below are the same photos in color for those who like to see the originals.

Click to enlarge photos.

It's been a "carnival ride" type of week here so I'm a bit behind with catching up on your blogs.  Be patient, I'll get there eventually. 


  1. That looks funny (or not so much for one - )
    Thanks for your visit, finally I come to see your posts of last weeks...

  2. The ride in black and white reminds me of a vintage photo - I love it, Ida :) Looks like fun too. Hugs and blessings!

  3. I love black and whites. Do you just use the pic monkey black and white button? Have you tried the color button and turning it down to almost nothing? I got some amazing results doing that. Fun be young again...that's what I would be doing!

  4. ouch, I would never get into one of these. But your images are great.

  5. I have never been very good at rides!

  6. That looks like so much fun!

  7. Those words are true, but I wouldn't want to get on that ride!

  8. I can't even imagine me riding that!

  9. Amazing and fun pics, Ida!

  10. I like the black and white versions and I love the expressions on the riders faces.

  11. It looks like they all had a grand time. The photos are very good! Thank you!

  12. Yikes! Scares me to even imagine it!

  13. Ah - wouldn't get in one of these! But lovely photography :)

  14. I love the quote, so true life can be like a carnival ride! Great series of photos. Enjoy your day!

  15. neat photos but that ride NOPE!

  16. i don't ride the rides, but i love to take pictures like this!!!!

  17. Oh Ida! A delightful your pictures...what fun this ride must have been to go on! And the quote you shared is so perfect...have a truly blessed and beautiful Thursday further!
    Hugs to you!

  18. Wow! Great shots. I can feel my stomach churn. They look great in colour and also in black and white.

  19. great shots!!!
    My son loves this ride. He did it for the first time when he was only 5 years old!!! And now that he is 11, this summer at the fair, he was all "oh, that's so baby ride now mom!" LOL
    I still haven't tried it myself! I'm a baby wuss - yep. LOL

  20. It looks fun... but not one ride I'd go on! :)

    Have a happy weekend.

  21. When looking at just the first photo, I wondered if it was an older photo. More of a timeless look to it!


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