Thursday, September 24, 2015

Good Fences #79 - Sunflower Delight


Welcome! - It's time for GOOD FENCES hosted by Theresa (The Run-a-round Ranch Report).

While out on a walk one morning I spotted these lovely sunflowers and the weathered fence they were growing near & through.  I just had to get pictures for Good Fences to share.  I hope you enjoy them.

 I'm not sure what they had growing by the shed that required those strings you see but who cares when you have pretty sunflowers to look at.

 I love that one growing through the fence. - I thought I'd show a crop of it from the other direction.

Finally a view looking up at the sunflowers over the fence.

Don't forget to check out the other great fences by visiting Theresa's blog.

Have a "sunny sunflower" day.


  1. they are beautiful, daddy used string like that for climbing beans, for holding up tomato plants, these strings might be holding up the tall sunflower stalks.

  2. Gorgeous sunflowers! They certainly brighten up the weathered fence! Great pics!
    Thanks for shAring!

  3. Look at your friendly neighbors. . .waiting to share a bit of gossip! Beautiful photos!

  4. Very pretty, such things I call the little (or big) alldays joy :-)

  5. Love those sunflowers peaking over the fence.

  6. Hello Ida, I love the pretty sunflowers. Beautiful fence scenes. Great shots, have a happy day!

  7. Oh how I love sunflowers! And love to shoot sunflowers too! These captures are lovely. Seems like the ones I find growing in the wild are in places I can't access well. And thank you for stopping by and leaving a nice comment on my post about Tanner. xo

  8. Nothing goes togethrr better...sunflowers and old wooden it!

  9. Ida, you did a beautiful job with this.....displaying those skills again. Some people would pass this and not see the potential!!

  10. Love those weathered grey boards! and of course the sunny sunflowers nodding about. Very cheery!

  11. Very nice! I love a fence like this with the flowers peeking over the top!

  12. The fence and the flowers make a perfect combo, Ida!

  13. Oh my goodness, the weathered fence and cheery sunflowers make a great photo!

  14. We have a very similar scene here. I love it!

  15. It is amazing how high they can grow!

  16. The sunflowers really make that fence, great photos Ida!

  17. What a neat fence---I mean the fence of Sunflowers.

  18. I was hoping you would tell us what those strings were for. Oh well, I'll just have to remain curious and enjoy those very pretty sunflowers.

  19. NICE. Love sunflowers - the smiling flower. : )

  20. Hi Ida, I love sunflowers and this is just perfect for Good Fences. Neat post! Thank you for your kind comment on my blog.

  21. Oh, Ida, this is wonderful! I may see other fences I like as well, but bet I don't see any I like more!

  22. Hi Ida, love seeing the sunflowers growing over and through the fence. They are gorgeous and bring beauty to the wood fence. Great shots. Wishing you a happy fall.
    Hugs, cm

  23. So pretty! You always find the prettiest scenes on your walks! xo Karen

  24. You found a great fence to show us this week. Sunflowers and wooden fence make such a good combo, and your photos are lovely.

  25. Wow! These are absolutely lovely photos on the fence and sunflowers... great combination of colors there and your photography are brilliant!

  26. super find and love your photos!

  27. Oh I like this! The sunflowers look like little faces peeking over the fence! Great capture :-)

  28. Incredible shots IDA. I love each and every one of them. So beautiful. Hug B

  29. This fence and the sunflowers just make me smile! Great find and great photos!

  30. I love these sunflower photos! My husband used to put in a sunflower garden exactly like that. We have a six foot cedar fence. They would tower over it! The finches loved the seeds!

  31. These are fine fence pictures, but made more interesting with the addition of the sunflowers for both sides. A very successful series.

  32. You have a good eye to catch the flowers and the texture of the fence. Maybe climbing pole beans, but is it getting too late for them?

  33. LOVE it - and I am so happy that you got a sunflower picture. I had drove out to a place that I knew had a giant sunflower field with this wood fence around it, hoping for a pic for Good Fences... but by the time I had the chance to drive all that way, the flowers had pretty much died and were being tilled :(
    but it was amazing to see that huge field full of sunny faced Sunflowers. I wish I had gone earlier

  34. the sunflowers and the fence goes well together :)

  35. Lovely shots - of the sunflowers and the fence.


  36. Those sunflowers and the weathered fence and shed are just a perfect combination!

  37. Hello Ida,
    This is a great post for the fences with Theresa.
    Sunflowers are wonderful at the gate.
    Very nicely photographed.
    Greetings, Helma

  38. Love the old weathered fence n beautiful sunflowers.

  39. So pretty! This is one of my favorite of your fence photo's. Really, really like it :)

  40. These are really beautiful ... Sunflowers and the colorful gourds like those in the post above are certain beautiful parts of Autumn .

  41. Sunflowers are so happy. I'm always amazed at how they hold their heads up on those little stalks. I wondered about those strings too. Lots of flowers need strings like that, but maybe some string beans?? :)


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