Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Things to be thankful for - Day 4

This month I am focusing on things to be "thankful" for.  Here is today's list:

1. Lovely Fall leaves that are fun to walk through. 
2. A Nice Warm house, especially on a "frosty" cold morning.
3. Peanut Butter Sandwiches
4. Decorating the house for Thanksgiving
5. Left Over Halloween Candy


  1. I love walking through the leaves hearing the rustling sound. : )

  2. and we are thankful for our AC which is combating the 88 degrees outside. love those leaves, so many colors in one place. i would love to pile them up and watch and smell them burn. i miss that from my childhood

  3. Lovely photo of the multi colored leaves!

  4. 5 fabulous things to be grateful for......Our Blessings each and every day are amazing.....thankful for God's Grace!
    I always enjoy visiting here.

  5. #5 is my favorite (wink) although we did not have much left over!!!!!

  6. i'm grateful for a 3rd weekend of rain forecast. after months without, the pond is refreshed and the pastures are greening up!

  7. I love fall and leftover Halloween candy sounds just right to me :)

    Mersad Donko Photography

  8. I don't have any left over Halloween candy but I do have peanut butter. I never run out of peanut butter :) I was out walking through the leaves earlier when I first got home from work. No matter how old you get it's still fun to walk through them

  9. Totally agree on the PB sandwiches!

  10. I have to say, I could pretty much have written these...I or Roger often say something to each other about how thankful we are to have a nice, warm home....or air conditioned on in summer.

  11. Great list. I know we all could have long, long lists if we just sat for a moment to realized what we have. Love the photo.

  12. Beautiful fall leaves! I hope you and your family are well and that the upcoming holidays will be very enjoyable.

  13. Lovely post and a nice list of things to be thanksful for. A warm house is especially nice. Enjoy your day!

  14. I love that you're stopping to be grateful for the small things in life. Beautiful fall leaves!

  15. Definitely with you on the left over Halloween candy. And for my elliptical trainer, which is holding my tablet as I work off several mini bars. And again, I'm very grateful for a healthy body that can enjoy all aspects of life. I'm also loving my blog friends, who blog faithfully every day, unlike me, so that I have somewhere to visit.
    Happy decorating!

  16. Wonderful things to be thankful for.

  17. Right now we are having such mild, almost summer like, weather. I can read on my back deck. but the wind is picking up something fierce and it's a colouful tornado of leaves in my backyard. I guess we can expect a storm at some point today - but for now; grateful for this warm respite.

  18. I LOVELOVELOVE decorating for autumn and Thanksgiving. Those fall leaves are so pretty. We have been cool here, but today was 80 degrees - ick!!


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