Thursday, December 10, 2015

Good Fences #90 - Aging Wrought Iron

 Hello! - It's time to join in the fun of GOOD FENCES hosted by Theresa (The Run-a-round Ranch Report).

For this weeks fence I'm featuring an old Wrought Iron fence that I pass by on my walks. - The last time I was by though they had part of the fence taped off and I think they might be going to remove it.

I like this shot as you also get the shadow of the fence and can see another (white) fence down the street.

 A different angle.  You can see a dip in one of the railings and the lichen growing on the stones that the fence is set in.

Finally a close-up view of part of the fence.

 It's super busy around here right now with holiday preparations so I may be slow visiting your blogs.  - Take care & enjoy the season.


  1. oh I really like this old fence, Ida! It has lots of character and is set in a nice area! Great shots of it up close too!
    hope they don't take it away!
    Enjoy your day!

  2. this is a beautiful old fence and i would like to walk along that sidewalk, looks like much to enjoy and take photos of

  3. cool shadows ... hope you are good today. take care. ( :

  4. Well done, great fence shots. I like the shadows too. Have a happy day and weekend ahead!

  5. great show of the that close up photo shot in your last photo in the post.
    great details.

  6. What a catch, Ida. Such a cute fence! Have a great weekend:)

  7. it would be a shame to take this fence down. I like it. Love the close up shot

  8. Fantastic fence! Wrought iron is one of my favorites.

  9. Take your time in visiting blogs. We can't stress about something we do to relax in our spare time right?
    I love that fence, great shots Ida!

  10. Great perspective on your shots and I like the age on the fence.

  11. A different and interesting fence in need of tender care.

  12. Ida, looks like it's been there for a long time!

  13. kinda rickety looking but i like it. :)

  14. I guess some heavy things have fallen on that fence over the years. Some character it has!

  15. Oh, Ida, I do love these shots. I hope they don't remove is quite the beauty.

  16. I am curious as to how an iron fence got a dip.

  17. Nice shots! I really like the last one but we photographers always go for something different.

  18. Lovely images of the fence. I do like the lichens and old worn look.

  19. Glad to see your post, I had been missing you.
    Neat fence. I like the shadow fence in the first photo.

  20. That's a fine old fence. The problem is that too many people have "tidy minds" and don't appreciate that on many occasions it's best to leave things alone, for all sorts of reasons - art, history, the environment to name just a few.

  21. This is definitely a beautiful, wrought-iron fence, Ida.
    These are quite expensive, but last a lifetime.
    Nicely photographed.
    Have a Great Week!
    Peace :)

  22. Oh that would be kinda sad if they took it out. You can see all the "history" that it holds. It's so interesting and unique, it would be a shame to see it go. You've captured it beautifully with the shadow.
    Enjoy your holidays!

  23. Oh, no! It would be sad if they removed it. It has so much character. Again, you have the best fences in Walla Walla!

  24. That tree seems to be having its way with the fence. We are dealing with the roots of a Mahogany tree which are lifting up our patio.

  25. very nice ida, i love all the detail in that up close image!!!


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