Thursday, December 17, 2015

Good Fences #91 - Doggone Good Fence

Welcome - Wow it's "crunch time" for Christmas here right now and I still have shopping to do. - So I'll be brief and get started on sharing my photos for,

Today I thought I'd share a trio of fences that feature canines....spotted while out on walks:

Can you see me?

What are you looking at?

I'm watching you!

Have a great day & don't forget to stop by Theresa's blog:
The Run-a-round Ranch Report and check out all the other great fence finds.

I'll be by your blogs as time allows. - Off to shop till I drop!


  1. Always fun to see some pooches with your fences!! Happy shopping!

  2. you always take unique photos shots - really like the capture of number one photo!

    Hugs.. Have a Merry Christmas.

  3. Cute doggy photos & a great variety of fences! Happy shopping!

  4. Great collection Ida! I hope you get lots done today, so you can relax and enjoy your holidays.

  5. i love love love love your Fence Shots... these made me laugh.. all three of them are hoping for some petting... maybe they are home alone. at least they were not barking there heads off like ours do

  6. I always love the doggies, cute fence series. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and the weekend ahead!

  7. LOL! The first photo made me laugh! Nice fences, too!

  8. That first shot is so sweet, peeking through the fence!

  9. I just love all the 4-legged guests in your post!
    Merry Christmas!!

  10. I wish all dog owners had fences. It is such a great things for dogs to not have leashes and chains, and to be safe while they run in "their" yard.

  11. oooh wow, i love this, what a great, creative idea!!! cute pups as well!!!

  12. Nice collection. That first one with the pup peeking out is just adorable!

  13. This gave me such a smile today!!! I am done in after the busy fun of Christmas and feeling soooo tired, and this just perked me up beautifully. LOL.
    that first one is an amazing capture. love it.

  14. Awwww, those are some of my favorite fences yet! Thanks for the three smiles, Ida!

  15. blessings and happy new year.
    love the photo with the dog playing pee-ka-boo by the fence.


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