Thursday, January 7, 2016

Good Fences #94 - Vines n Gate

Welcome! - Well another New Year has arrived and it's time to join Theresa (The Run-a-round Ranch Report) once again for GOOD FENCES.

I hope to do all 52 weeks this year.  I missed 2 weeks in 2015. (Bummer!)

Anyway here is my entry for this week:

I pass by this house quite often on walks.  I thought the Vine covered wall was interesting and the gate looked pretty neat as well.  Love the iron work on it and the fact that it has a straw thatched background. - You can see a sign on the gate but can't really see what it says that well.

Let's go in for a closer look....

 Finally a really close look at the sign:

Apparently this day the they weren't expecting any "friends" as the gate was closed.  If you notice there is even a padlock on the gate so I'm questioning just how welcome guest are.

Don't forget to stop by and check out all the other great participants fence posts.

Have an awesome day!


  1. Those folks must like their privacy more than welcoming friends but that said the gates are very nice & well made.
    Good find for Good Fences!
    Have a great week!

  2. love that fence. and also the lock on the gate. we could lock out the Verizon sales people who are pestering us to death even though bob has cursed them out a few times.

  3. a good fence and gate.....looks like they enjoy their privacy....
    Have a good day.

  4. What an interesting mix of textures, materials, and lines!

  5. I like this! It would be nice to see the garden as well!

  6. it is really a neat and unique gate! thanks for sharing it! (and i hope i can do all 52 in 2016, too! ;))

  7. They do want privacy. I like the fence and the gate.

  8. That is a pretty cool looking gate. I like that sign too

  9. Wow ~ Great shots of a very unique and textured fence ~

    Wishing you a Happy Week ~ ^_^

  10. A beautiful gate and it looks very private. We keep our gate locked, too. Too many solicitors, even way out in the 'boonies'! - Karen

  11. I love the thatch background! It makes it different. Nice gate!

  12. This is really an interesting I really like!

  13. Nice ornate gate.
    I thatched stuff is for privacy I reckon.
    Have a Great Day, Ida!
    Peace :)

  14. Pretty gate, and it is a cute sign.

  15. Very interesting gate and fence/wall Ida. Loved the photos.

  16. Neat gate and fence. Reminds me of when we went to Memphis--gas stations had bars(!) over the windows. Apparently in other places there is a much greater need for security than out here in the countryside of Iowa! They must just have put the sign on the gate so it would not seem too forbidding.

  17. a good fence and gate.....looks like they enjoy their privacy....
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  18. Hello Ida!:) Very good find Ida! This gate with the straw backing is quite different than anything I have seen before.I like the wrought iron work very much.
    Enjoy your Weekend!:)

  19. Nice screen work, very practical.

  20. The color works well together...wrought iron gates are so pretty...:)JP

  21. gorgeous fences, decorative!! have a lovely weekend. we have rain today. i miss the sun. this weather is been so odd lately. ( :

  22. do find the best fences, they are so unique and you photograph them beautifully!!!!!!

  23. Hi Ida, this is an interesting mix of gate and stone wall. Love the metal design. Wonder if the vine turns green and blooms in the spring and summer. What a beautiful site it would be.
    Happy New Year!! xo

  24. A really unique fence and gate - I love it. But yes, my first thought was "but...there's a padlock..???" LOL Maybe they are on vacation right now. ha.

  25. Very unique gates with lovely ironwork. Of course, great vines always add interest to anything :) Great shots...very "artsy"!

  26. It's very neat...I love anything unusual. But maybe not very inviting today! Hugs!

  27. oh isn't that a nice sign for the gate! If I had a pretty gate like that I would want people to see my pretty garden on the other side!

  28. now, that´s interesting :) Big grin :)

  29. Love the vine-covered wall with the pretty gate!


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