Friday, January 8, 2016

Willy Nilly Friday Five - January 8, 2016

Happy Friday! - It's time to join Tanya (Around Roanoke) for WILLY-NILLY FRIDAY FIVE - I missed last week because let's face it after celebrating New Years Eve and getting to bed after 1:00 am I was pretty much out of it on Friday.

This week I thought I would share bits & pieces of my week so far.

1.  As is our tradition around here all the Christmas lights and decorations outside come down the day after New Years.  Hubby piled up all the chords on the floor and the cats seemed fascinated by them so I snapped their picture.
 Although in this picture they seem to be looking off in another direction but they really were into sniffing all those cords.

2.  Sunday it snowed here.  We haven't had a lot of snow this winter but more than we've had the past couple of winters.  I'm so not a fan of winter but those big fluffy flakes coming down were pretty and made for a nice photo opportunity. 

3.  Monday was the anniversary of my dad's passing.  My mom & I took flowers out to his grave in remembrance.  When we got there the flowers we had taken out for Christmas were frozen solid (yes I put water in the vase) so I had to take the vase (wilted frozen flowers) home and thaw it out then drive back to place the new flowers on the grave.

4.  This photo has nothing to do with the story I am about to tell but I enjoy watching the crows outside so I snapped this shot of them on the wires.

So now for the story...Tuesday morning I arrived at the bowling alley and got out of the car along with my mom.  I opened the side door on the van and said,  "Get back in mom, we have to go back home." - She's like..."Why?" - Well guess what?  I forgot my bowling ball!!! - Needless to say I barely made it back to the alley in time to throw a few practice balls before the league started.  Still I did halfway decent...146-190 and 134.  That last game I lost concentration when the lanes kept breaking down.

5.  At Christmas I found a great jello salad recipe that called for jellied Cranberry sauce.  I had some problems opening the can and discovered something funny.  Well at that time I didn't take pictures of the can but I made the same salad again this week and discovered the same thing with the can.  See if you can figure it out from the pictures below.

Have an idea yet?.....Scroll down for the next photo.

Did you figure out what was wrong? -  I wonder how many of these cans went through the assembly line like that.  I thought something was wrong with our can opener at first but it was just the label on the can is "upside down!"
That's it for my week.  Don't forget to stop in and check out the other particpants. - Have a great weekend.


  1. LOL! It took a a minute to see the problem with the can. Too funny. Our Christmas decorations come down in shifts with the tree staying up until Epiphany. Now, we settle in for the dark days of January. This is the time I wish for snowstorms just to break the monotony. I've not heard of Will Nilly Friday Five but may just have to give it a try.

  2. Most of life can be upside down!

  3. My cats seem to get obsessed with anything new that shows up in the house. If we move a chair, they'll spend several minutes walking around it, jumping up into it and sniffing it. Sometimes they'll even mew at it. They really don't seem to like change.
    January 20th will be the 10th anniversary of my Mother's death. It is impossible for me to wrap my head around that number. I miss her so very much, and would give anything to know what the past 10 years would have been like with her here.
    I just have to add, I love your crow picture. I've been trying to get a close up of a crow or raven for at least 2 years now, and never any luck. They'll stand by the roadside with vehicles zooming by at 100 km/hour, but slow down anywhere near them, and they take off like a shot.

  4. i recognized the bottom of the can, but not that the label was wrong. the first time i got a can like this, i opened the top and turned it over to break open the bottom. the jelly cranberry or pum;kin comes out easier if there is a hole in thte bottom. i just punched a whole with an ice pick. i liked it better when both ends were the same.

    love the kitties and all those cords.. makes a great photo. made me smile...

  5. Oh dear a senior moment both with the bowling ball, and by the production line not putting the label on correctly. I wonder if that happens when they do a pot luck can (label removed and you buy them very cheaply as the shop can't guarantee what's inside). I love the crows, what a great capture. Happy 2016 xx

  6. That's a lot of wiring! You must have had a tonne of lights !
    Sweet photo of the birds on the wire!
    Funny cans sure had you upside down for a while!
    Happy weekend!

  7. I'm not a fan of winter either but I agree it is pretty to look at. I could deal with winter a whole lot more if I didn't ever have to go out in the snow.
    I couldn't tell from the first can picture what was wrong but then when you showed it in the second one I realized what was wrong

  8. Enjoyed your pictures and post today. That's a lot of cords, and they could get pretty tangled.

  9. I LOVE tHE crow picture and would matt it and frame it!! Its unusual and neat!!

  10. That is kind of fun to have a little fun with the wires. Fun to have a little snow too. So you all have a great day.

  11. Love the shot of all the cats sniffing the cords. Snickers and Spooky-Boo could be brothers from the same litter!

    Your snow is pretty. We saw flakes during our travels but that was it.

  12. Great Randomosity Ida! All great photo's and story lines to go with them. The last one made me giggle....when i was a kid my mum used to buy tinned stuff from the local canning factory....they sold it cheap when there was a dent in the tin or there was a glut they needed to get rid off didn't know what was in them (no label) until you opened was mostly fruit like pears and peaches but every so often, she opened one up for dessert only to find tinned tomatoes!

  13. I would have never noticed that stamp on the can!
    Despite my dislike for snow, it does make for beautiful pictures.

  14. oh that's funny about the cans/labels! glad you made it back to the bowling alley in time and i love the photo of the crows...still no snow here yet...according to one of the boys teachers we are supposed to be getting a doozy of a snow storm in a couple of weeks, we'll see! the flowers on your dad's grave are really pretty and the kitties look so cute with all those cords! happy new year ida!!

  15. A very nice Friday Five. Poignant visiting your Dad and the frozen Flowers. I still miss my Dad, he has been gone many years. The snow is pretty. None here yet. Good shot of the crows on the line. I used to bowl in a league but it has been a while now. I pulled a calf muscle and that was that. Your kitties are cute and the can thing, I think I have had that happen before. Have a great weekend :)

  16. Good morning, your kitties are cute. I have seen cans like that before, weird. Your bowling scores are good, I have not been bowling in years. Have a happy weekend!

  17. Hmmm. The label was put on upside down? How peculiar!

  18. I get cans like that a bunch, so weird!
    Love the snow, so pretty. Hope you're warmer now. My sister had insane ice in Oregon!

  19. We have had the weirdest weather... There was a 50 degree swing this week...

  20. It's often an upside down world.

  21. How funny about the cans...they even caught it and stamped "Open Other End." :-) Love your beautiful fluffy snow! We had an anniversary of my Dad's passing on the 3rd also. It's hard even though five years have passed. All my best for the new year....

  22. What a great lovely photo with all the cats (6 - or seven, is it only a grey tail?)
    and I very like the bird shot.
    Happy healthy New Year, I come late, but I come...

    By the way: I've subscribed your post via email, when I'm not here, I see all in my mailbox and enjoy them.

  23. Hello Ida, after you mentioned your dad's passing I wanted to come and see your post. Those flowers you and your mom placed for him are quite beautiful.
    Thank you for your sweet thoughts towards the loss of dad, and your concern for our dear Lakota.

    Thinking of you~~ Debbie

  24. Oh, that is too funny about the bowling ball..I can just imagine the cats, because I have the most curious cats I have ever had...and I did figure about the can...but I didn't notice the label till I looked at the second pic...

  25. How funny about the cranberry sauce!

  26. I can see that the construction differs between the two ends but did not realize that the can opener would not work on both. I guess I just naturally always open the top. We took our decorations down a bit early because we have been having unseasonable rain and it finally turned fair and cool. Best wishes and dreams!

  27. Our cat had his nose in EVERYTHING that I was putting away after Christmas. Candles, lights, decorations - his wee nose was working overtime. And then, poor thing -- I store everything under our basement stairs and I accidentally locked him in there for a couple of hours!! He must have snuck in behind me one trip and hid.
    The shot of the crows on the wire is awesome!!

  28. We have this problem - it's like this we load up in the truck and we drive down the road just down the road a little ways we remembered something we forgot. That's the "Gough tradition" - it never fails we nearly always have to turn back around. So I can relate some..wink!

  29. It's nice that you and your mom still go out and bring your dad flowers. My dad died on Christmas day so we don't go out on the anniversary of his death as it's two hours away in a national cemetery. This is a good reminder for me to take my mom out there soon. It's nicer to go in winter in Florida when it's not so hot.


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