Thursday, January 14, 2016

Good Fences #95 - A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss ...

Hello & Welcome! - Well sadly I am NOT one of the 3 winners from the big huge Power Ball Jackpot.  Oh well. There's always the next one. 

So let's have some fun by joining GOOD FENCES hosted by Theresa (The Run-a-round Ranch Report).

There's a quote that states that a "Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss" but here today an old wooden fence certainly does.  -  I spotted this fence while I was heading to get my allergy shot the other day and stopped to take some photos of it.

All that green moss just caught my eye and I knew I had to share this fence with everyone.

Be sure to enlarge these to see the "details" like the nails sticking up from the posts.

Here's a better view of them and some of the moss and lichen growing on the fence.

This fence bordered a small creek that was running through the property.  You could see through some of the boards because a few were missing and some were warped as you can see in this next shot.

One last photo of the nails in the fence.

I hope you've enjoyed this mossy fence as much as I did.  - Don't forget to check out all the other great fences.

Have a super great day.


  1. What a fabulous fence! I did not win either but only invested $2. I did get one number!

  2. Really wonderful photos of the mossy fence & I love the rusty old nails sticking out too!
    Have a great weekend!

  3. I just simply love that old fence. It was a great find.

  4. Hello Ida so sorry about the Powerball:) Oh I love that moss covered fence it is beautiful. Hug B

  5. Hello Ida, that is a lot of moss, great fence find. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  6. I like the details of this fence from up close!

  7. it is beautiful, we have it on our fence but not as much as this.. great fence find

  8. Before I started reading I thought that was paint on the fence. I haven't checked my ticket yet but I'm pretty sure I'm not one of the three winners either :)

  9. wow, at first i thought that was weathered paint! cool!

  10. Now that's what I call a fence with character. Great shades of green.

    I was a lottery winner Saturday last - £25!

  11. Great macro shots of this very textured fence ~ beautiful !

    Wishing you a Happy Weekend ~ ^_^

  12. Oh dear! That is some serious moss for sure!. I'm wondering if the fence would disintegrate if they tried to pressure wash it!

  13. at first glance I thought it was reed. :) It is a bit sad they leave fences like this .

  14. How interesting! Also, noted the lack of snow in your pictures.
    P.S. I didn't win the lottery either.

  15. The moss makes the fence look rather artistic.

  16. Hi Ida, what a great find with the friends covered in moss. It must be a pretty damp area where it is located. You captured great shots. Hope your allergies are okay. Have a nice weekend.

  17. Ida, great fence! Lots of character there!

  18. Some beautiful details in your photo's well captured. Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend.

  19. That's a fence that's been in place a long, long time!

  20. That's some crazy moss, and looks similar to some I captured on a piece of driftwood recently. There's a lot of character there!

  21. Wow! I gather you are not allergic to this stuff.

  22. Mossy fence I think has a considerable age. I like your pictures.

  23. Hello Ida!:) It would also catch my attention. It's very colourful, but what puzzles me is why all the nails!!I guess it must be to deter people from climbing over.Good find!:)

  24. Wow...what great detail of this....I bet the small creek behind it all is just a pretty!

  25. Indeed very nice colored by nature. I like it.

  26. That is wonderful! I wish I could get moss to grow on my fence like that.

  27. Looks like someone needs to get out a power washer.

  28. Love that fence! I think it's one of your best finds yet. What a brilliant, neon color that moss is. Curious about the nails sticking up. What an interesting sight!


  29. The colored texture is about as interesting as the fence itself. Fine shots of this unusual color.

  30. I definitely enjoyed your mossy fence Ida. Great to look at all the detail.

  31. Very unique.......and different

  32. what a GREAT fence find. at first glance, i tried to solve the "green mystery" without looking at the written word. it didn't happen!!! you really do find the best fences!!!! have a wonderful weekend!!!!

  33. That is quite unusual to have moss so yellow I would have thought. Love the artistic effect that it creates.

  34. That's almost a whole paint job. I love the detail shots.

  35. I guess a few Canadians were trying to get their hands on those Powerball tickets too! I am not sure exactly how that works, but I guess they don't have to worry about it now. I cannot imagine winning that much money -- that's too much power. :)

    That must be one very old fence. The character is amazing though. If only such things could talk.

  36. I wasn't a winner either.....oh, you have to play in order to win? Could explain everything. ;-) Love the look of the mossy fence. I was a little taken aback with the neon color of the moss, but the overall look is awesome.


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