Sunday, March 6, 2016

52 Frames - Kiss

Just popping in with the link to my 52 Frames photo for this weeks theme:  Kiss

Please take a look and leave me a comment if you'd like.  Tell me what you like about the photo or what you think needs improving. 

Edited to add the photos.

Be sure to check out the album.  It's pretty cool and a super great project to join in on the fun with.

Here is the colored version. - Which do you think I should have went with?


  1. they are both cool but today I prefer the coloured photo...

  2. both are nice but I like the look of the red brick so that's my choice

  3. I think I like the first photo best. Both are well done. Thank you! Wishing you well!

  4. Greeting fellow Framer!

    Nice shot - and a little more serious than mine!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  5. i love the photo and the colored one is my favorite...

  6. It's fabulous, Ida! I just love what you came up with for the word "kiss." :)

    Enjoy this brand new week! Hugs!

  7. This is a fun photo, which is also a sign. Our mom plays SIGNS, SIGNS on Wednesday ( and this is a fun sign to share.

    Emma and Buster

  8. Cute photo, I like the red brick.

  9. I would go with the B&W I think...but both are great.

  10. I rarely pick b&w and today was no different. I like the one with color! You really lucked out with this sign for the prompt!!

  11. Enjoyed this. Thank you.

  12. I like the color one best. My opinion which mean way less then yours. You liked the edited one. You are the artist of your own work. I might have even did a dramatic angle in the sign for the shot. That could have Ida personalized it. Just keep submitting what your ideals for the topic are and your favorite shot. Speaking for myself when I look at the weeks submissions I might like or comment on 20 not many more. I may "like" 300 of them but the ones I love and think are special for ideal, execution or both are the ones I comment on. "Likes" to me are top tens not that I don't like many others they are just not a favorite.

  13. I like the way that the monochrome emphasizes the lips. Very nice!

  14. Sorry, I know I'm not much help, but I like both! Hope you remember to link to Seasons today - link is open till 7 pm, Pacific time:) Hope to see you there! (You are welcome to use this image if you like...or another)

  15. This is such a fantastic take on the prompt! And I do think your choice to go with black and white, and then the lips in colour was brilliant. It really makes the whole theme Pop! Overall though it's just a great shot.

  16. This is a fun shot, Ida. I like how you've framed the window with even layers and rows of bricks and how you've masked the colour to show off the wonderful red lips, I'd give you full marks for first class photo! All the best, Bonny


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