Thursday, March 10, 2016

Good Fences #103 - A Charming Fence for the birds

Hello and Welcome.

It's time for GOOD FENCES hosted by Theresa from,
The Run-a-round Ranch Report.

Sometimes while I'm out walking I happen upon little things that make me smile.

Initially I was photographing the fence/gate as the newness of the fence and that black handle caught my eye.  In this shot you will notice several different fences. I counted at least 5 in this shot.

 I also happened to see that adorable bird feeder hanging on the fence post and I had to snap a picture of it.  I liked the color and the design of the feeder and more important is that it has something else that fits today's post....

Can you see it now...It has a fence of it's own.  How cute is that!

Don't forget to stop in and visit the other participants and see their Good Fences.

Have a wonderful day.


  1. you got me, i found 4 right away and thought where is number 5 and it was hiding in plain sight. i love the bird house and the first shot is set up just right. it is perfect and i really like it

  2. Oh now I see the fifth fence! Very cute to include the wee fence around the birdhouse! The others are quite a mixture of styles!
    Enjoy your day!

  3. That surely made me smile too Ida. Hugs B

  4. Hekllo Ida!:) This is what I love about Good Fences, there are always great fences and surprises. That's a fine looking new fence, but the little green bird house fence is so cute,..what a good find Ida!:)

  5. Hello, great fence photos. I see four counting the bird feeder. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  6. Excellent sighting....a bird house with a picket fence!!!

    I love wrought iron on any wooden fence.

  7. Love it! That's a fun fence find for sure! Happy day to you...

  8. Thank you for this enjoyable post

  9. Love all the fences together and especially a fence on a bird feeder.

  10. Wow! Very nice! You did get several fences in one photo!

  11. that is too precious. thanks for this, ida.

  12. Love your fence shots...and I have been checking out your other posts, too. Love the photos of Bandit. Looks like my kind of cat. Hope you are well and that your weekend is awesome!

  13. How cool is that? I never would have noticed it if you hadn't zoomed it...awesome little fence, Ida!

  14. I love that bird feeder, too! It is so unique.

  15. Hi Ida, great fences here and I love the feeder too. You captured some great shots. Have a nice weekend ahead. ;)

  16. The birdhouse is really beautiful.
    May be it is an antique, possibly handmade.
    Great find, Ida!
    Have a Happy Day!!
    Peace :)

  17. Pretty fences. Love the bird feeder's cute fence. Have a beautiful day!

  18. Two great shots Ida. I would love that bird feeder.

  19. Charming! You are the mayor of fences!

  20. That's a charming little fence Ida. The bird feeder is almost to nice to hang outside and to then get messed up.

  21. Very cute collection of fences.

  22. Love the little fence on the bird feeder. What a lovely photo.

  23. awwww so sweet, 2 for the price of one!!! i love the birdhouse, i would be proud to hang it here!!!!

  24. Great shot...anything for the birds! And it is so nice to hear the spring songs, finally! Aloha!

  25. Birdy has a little fence! Yes, SO cute, Ida! God Bless You

  26. Love the creative fence and birdhouse and great juxtaposed 'new fence' against the old ~ Great photo!

    Happy weekend coming to you ~ ^_^

  27. Oh my goodness -- isn't that adorable? I've never seen a birdhouse with its OWN picket fence :) Cute find!! Thanks for your sweet words about the loss of our dear doggies. You're sweet.

  28. Great fences! I do like that bird feeder.

  29. What a a cute bird feeder with it's own fence! Sorry I'm late for your fences - had a lot going on after Wed., but I'm good now:) Hoping you're enjoying your weekend? Looking forward to see you back on Mon - Wed for one of your beautiful images at SEASONS! I appreciate you're being a part! Happy Sunday!

  30. What a super bird feeder! It's so much prettier than the functional ones I've got. All the best, Bonny

  31. Oh that is too cute!!!
    It's Fence Inception!!! LOL
    A great shot.

  32. Oh, yes, this is wonderful! And I love the bird feeder! How cute!

  33. I found four fences unless you count the double picket fence as two-- but maybe counting all four fences around the feeder would bring the total even higher!

  34. Hello Ida, I know I commented last week on your cute feeder by the fence, but I guess my comment didn't "take." Went looking for your blog because I hope you still can join today (Wed) with this photo for SEASONS. The link is open till 7pm Pacific time. Hope you'll read this before and otherwise next week! Have a happy rest of the week:)


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