Friday, April 1, 2016

It's Willy-Nilly & Random 5 Friday - April 1, 2016


Good News today (no joke) - Nancy (A Rural Journal) is back bloggoing again and hosting Random 5 Friday again!

Plus Tanya (Around Roanoke) still hosts Willy-Nilly Friday 5 so now there will be twice the random fun to enjoy!


1.  I may have used this quote before but it's a good one and this is a new photo and since Spring is in the air I couldn't resist sharing these lovely spring blooms with you.


Spotted this group of deer again recently.  They hang out in a small brush area near a bunch of homes.  I never tire of taking pictures of them. 

3. I love frogs and so for my birthday hubby got me a new wind chime.  Isn't it cute!

4.  Did you ever see this episode of Friends?

Well Greta decided to give our cat, Harley a massage the other day with Drum Sticks
He liked it!

5.  Our town has recently had problems with Wild Turkey's invading neighborhoods and causing damage to vehicles , property and chasing school children.  They rounded a bunch of them up and released them back in the mountains. - We spotted this group in a field outside of town recently.


                                      Now let's join Tanya for WILLY-NILLY FRIDAY FIVE:
1. Spotted this pretty Hot Air ballon the other day (our sky was cloudless - I added the clouds) - This balloon is The Spirit of Walla Walla balloon.
2.  Another shot of the deer (just because they are so pretty)
3. Some fun yard decor we spotted recently.  Gives you something to do with rocks.

It's Harley again.  He looks so peaceful here but you should have seen him this morning when we took him to the Vet.  He needed a check-up and he was NOT a "happy camper" - In fact they ended up having to sedate him just to give him his shots and exam.

5.  Finally a street scene here in town:

These are buses (they look like trolley cars) that take people around town.  Pretty neat looking.  Walla Walla use to actually have trolley cars here years and years ago. Now a funny little story:

So yesterday I was driving around and noticed something really "odd" about the guy that was in front of me.  -  He had his window down and was waving his hand around out the window and looked like he was bebopping to some tunes.  Nothing to weird about that but then I noticed that he had his wind shield wipers on.  You might think,
What's weird about that? - Well how about the fact that it was 79 degrees outside and the sun was shining!  I'd say that was pretty Weird!

Have a great day & I hope you've enjoyed all these "random" things.

Also linking to FUN FRIDAY FAVORITES - Hosted by Cath@Home


  1. Windshield metronome dear!

    such a fun post

  2. #1 Tricky you
    #2 I love deer, but there are just too many of them here
    #3 Pet Rock?
    #4 Sleepy fuzz ball
    #5 A parade?

  3. The frog chime is so cute! Love all the deer - they're so beautiful.

  4. Lots of fun here for a Friday...the deer are wonderful, the wild turkeys sound evil, LOL and poor Harley and his vet visit. Love the trolley looking buses...wish we had those! Some cool stuff, lady! Have a great weekend!

  5. the weird guy is a little scary. love the buses.. we have two at the beaches like that. really like that stone art piece... cute frog, my mother had dozens of frogs, she had curtains and glassware, dishes and most things in her kitchen had frogs on them.. they were also in the yard every where.

  6. Thanks for visiting me! Wow, maybe I'm too easy with SEASONS, you needed a lot of photos for these memes:) Love the little frog -it makes me smile! Have a great weekend, Ida.
    Oh, and I don't know if you read it but I'm opening the link for SEASONS now starting on Sunday (not Monday) - not an April fool's day joke, lol!

  7. So MUCH Joy and Interesting Stories on your blog today . . . wealthy - that's how i feel.

  8. A really great selection of images today, Ida! Had to smile at Harley enjoying his drumstick massage!
    Enjoy the weekend!

  9. nice, really appreciate you sharing

  10. Love the frog wind chime and the garden art ... fun and made me giggle. Harley is busy! Perhaps she has found a side job as a cat massager! Fun post. Happy Friday!

  11. I always enjoy your five...I am on one computer, but after while I want to send you a link to a vet tale...I don't have it bookmarked on here. So if I don't send it remind me. It is a blog post from years ago. It cracks me up every time I read it...I guess cause I had two dogs that didn't enjoy going to the vet. I like Harley...he doesn't look like he would ever get upset. But I know how deceiving they can look. Sarah had one cat that if you tried to bath him it was like trying to stop a chainsaw with your bare hands.

  12. Oh, yes I have seen that episode of friends...I think I have seen them all. I love the one where Phoebe and Rachel were running...remember how Phoebe can see it here.

  13. Hello Ida! It is so good to visit with you. :)
    What a fun post you have here, and that massage with drum sticks is awesome! You have precious cats, and it is very evident that you love them. I like to see that with pet owners. :)
    Have a beautiful weekend~~

  14. I love your frog wind chime! So cute!

  15. Great randoms Ida and thank you for linking up with Fun Friday Favourites! I love your photographic and inspirational words.....I have a meme on Sundays for such creativity....swing by and take a look this Sunday....Sunday Short & Sweet.

  16. You have to really look to spot those well-camouflaged deer. Now that's what I call WILD turkeys! Love the wind chime. Your spring blossoms are beautiful. Have a great weekend.

  17. Blessings.....
    well few will refuse a back rub.
    Wild turkey....cook em'

  18. Poor Harley. I don't blame him for not liking his visit to the vet. Love that frog!

  19. Hehe, the cats have often whimsical pleasures...
    I'm rare successful to bring my cat to the vet. Only, when she is half-dead -
    My favourites are the photos of deers between the bushes. Earlier with my grandmother they came into the garden.
    Cute frog!
    Have a nice and resting weekend

  20. Great photos! Kitty could charge pet owners! :-)

  21. Photo image #3 belongs in Arizona - wink! clever yard art indeed!

  22. Great photos with interesting tidbits of story with each. The idea of marauding turkeys sounds so odd, but I know it's nothing to take lightly. What a pain in the neck! I think I mentioned before we run into them all the time when we're out with the dogs and they pay us no mind whatsoever. Maybe it's the time of year?

  23. What a fun post! The deer are so beautiful! Your cat is lovely too! And those turkeys sound a bit scary... Have a beautiful day!

  24. i know i shouldn't but i am laughing at imagining the turkeys chasing the school children lol...glad they moved them to a safer area! love the photos of the deer and harley does look like he's enjoying his drumstick massage! you find the neatest yard art and i love your frog chimes, happy birthday! also love the street scene! thanks for linking ida, have a great week!

  25. Beautiful shots Ida -- especially the deer. Thanks so much for joining in R5F this week.

  26. Ah Ross, can't believe I still miss his whiny voice. He was hilarious though.
    Love that frog wind chime! It's so cute.
    We used to have a group (?) of wild turkeys in our neighbourhood too. You could see them every morning as we waited for the school bus. Some times they even came over and hung out in our yard with us. It was very weird. They never bothered anyone - but still weird. Then after the bus left, they would all toddle over back to the woods.


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