Thursday, April 7, 2016

Good Fences #107 I'll Be Watching You


Let's all join Theresa (The Run-a-round Ranch Report) for,

Last week when I featured the Panel Fence  I mentioned that I was nervous about taking closer photos because I felt like I was being "watched"  -  Well for this weeks fence entry I really was being watched as you will soon see.

I had spotted this fence while driving by one day and decided I needed to go back and see what exactly it was that I saw on the fence. - On this particular day I had Coleen and her friend, Emilie with me and we took a walk up to where the fence was located.

Earlier in the walk my Emilie had asked me if I felt weird about taking photos of people's houses.  I told her that it was perfectly legal to photograph stuff from a public sidewalk and that no I didn't feel that weird.

The first thing that caught my eye were these little flowers above the fence.  I couldn't seem to get a good focus on them so this will have to do.

I went back another day and snapped them from a different angle but it's not that great a photo either.

I also happened to noticed on my return trip back that they had a gate on the other side of the fence so I snapped a photo of it as well.

I didn't see any dog but I didn't get close enough to find out if there was one inside or not.

The funniest thing was when I was there with the girls.  Emilie saw me taking pictures and she yells,  "Your on Camera!"

I said,  "I know, that's what I came to take the picture of!"

Apparently somebody else thought that sign was funny as they wrote, (BOO) on the side of the fence with chalk.

Sometimes you really are being "watched" when you photograph a fence.

Have a great day & don't forget to join in on the fun by checking out all the other Good Fences.


  1. Hello Ida, I like the flowers on the fence. It seems many people have cameras on their property lately. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  2. Someone was brave to write BOO! When they knew they were on camera! They must want to appear more friendly though, by sticking those metal flowers on top of the fence,
    Hope you have a fun day!

  3. I know that feeling...but still you some shots succeeded.
    Have a sunny day

  4. I had to laugh at the sign on the last fence shop.

  5. now i'll be singing with sting in my head all afternoon. :) glad the dog didn't surprise you!

  6. Oh how funny... that you really were being watched, lol! I am a bit intimidated about taking pictures of other people's property as well... I try to just photograph the beauty of nature and that usually works out pretty well, but I do so love beautiful fences too :) Have a wonderful day Ida! I'm enjoying catching up on blogging with a cup of hot coffee this morning in my new rooster mug, delightful! :)

  7. LOL! It is always an adventure!

  8. What a nice way to dress up a fence! You seem to have many different kinds of fences in your area!

  9. Ha! I wonder what some people think of us bloggers who go about and take photos of everything...
    Good shots.

  10. We used to have pin wheels in our garden. They were such a fun touch!

  11. At least, they warned you. I doubt they would care taking a picture, but I would stay away even if I did not see the dog.

  12. They have their fun (the owners of this house) and so have you, lol!
    Great and funnic captures, Ida!

  13. I had that happen with a photo I took of a house that looked like a mini castle...only I didn't know it till I got home and downloaded the picture. But as you say...from a public road.

  14. Oh dear! We are all being watched at every moment these days.

  15. Maybe the owners were flattered that you were taking photos of their fence. :)

  16. No harm, no foul. Right?
    These days and times, a camera on property is a good thing!!

  17. Great fence photos! That was a friendly ""smile, you're on camera" sign. Have a great weekend Ida.

  18. i think most of our lives are being watched every where we go, and i don't like that at all..i do like the flowers on the fence and the sign. i wonder if they really have a camera.. i do feel weird taking pics of houses, even from my card. i do it once in a while when i see something pretty like a fence..

  19. Interesting fence!

    When I'm walking Theda, I quickly learn if there's a dog in those yards or not.


  20. What a delightful post. The mystery was well conceived. Thank you!

  21. I don't blame folk for their CCTV these days. I wonder if those floweres had cameras? Spooky if so.

  22. Ha! Nice friendly warning they give you! You'd be surprised who's creeping around outside your house, but I wouldn't mind if it was pleasant folk like you.

  23. Funny! I wonder if there really is a camera. Enough to scare anyone not up to anything good (like snooping around for a better shot).

  24. Nice find of fences with some appropriate signage on them, Ida.
    We are considering putting up a sign like the "Watch for Dog" on our yard gates.
    Have a Happy Weekend!
    Peace :)

  25. How funny! I used to feel weird taking pictures in public, but my trip to Iowa City and doing street photography helped with that. Would love to try it again someday.

  26. a funny story ida, and a neat flowered fence. i'm surprised you didn't notice the camera's, some peeps just display the sign but don't have the camera's!!!

  27. Lindas imagens!
    foi uma boa diversão


  28. I love the flowers on the fence -- I wonder if those are the camera!? Imagine that - pretty home security :)

  29. that sign is cool. Should be everywhere nowadays I think :)


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