Monday, April 4, 2016

Seasons - April 4, 2016


Blogger was being a (pain) this morning and wouldn't let me edit the size of my photos. - But it seems to be working fine now.

I'm joining Jeanette (St Germain's) for SEASONS  In recent posts I've shared some photos of a herd of deer that we often spot.  Normally they are in a bunch of brush along side the road but this particular day they happened to be in a field behind the Adventist church nearby.  There were 10 of them present but this shot only shows five of them. -  It's a good thing it's not Hunting Season although shooting them is something I would never do except for shooting them with my camera.  They are such lovely creatures.

We are well into the Spring season here now but in this next shot you can see that our mountains still look a lot like it's Winter.  Which is good as we needed a good snow pack after last summer's drought.

On Saturday we drove out to the Community College where my hubby and SIL were working on a project to have a little impromtu lunch with them.  After lunch I took Greta, Coleen and my mom to see the Campanile at the Water Education Center.

It's a lot of fun to take sticks (or canes) and bang on the disc's to hear the wonderful sounds they make.
Finally since most everyone was sick with the Flu over Easter Weekend last week we held Coleen's Easter Egg Hunt yesterday.  She still enjoys hunting for the eggs and when I told her that next year would be her last year for the egg hunt she was like,  No Way!"
But there is a season in life when we have to let go of some of our childhood traditions.  We just do them in a different way for the adults now (no hunting for the eggs) but we all stick get an Easter Basket.


  1. Hi Ida! What pretty deer----they almost look tame! What is the thing they were banging on?----never heard of that? Learn so many interesting things blogging! Those mountains sure are pretty!

  2. I am with Colleen:):) It's great though that the adults still get an Easter basket:) But I understand Colleen - it's the expectancy and the game in finding the eggs! Looks like you had a great outing:) Hope you got my reply to your email? Many thanks for being a part of Seasons! And "see you" you soon!

  3. I am so interested in hearing the sound the discs make, the kitties not so much.

    Emma and Buster

  4. I have nothing against hunting, but I sure couldn't shoot one of those beautiful deer. Such lovely animals.

  5. What a neat sculpture of discs! I bet it sounds neat.

  6. Wonderful photos, again! Love them all and the thing you bang on, so fun. We were in spring here but the cold weather is back and freezing here at night. I love a good easter egg hunt, but my kids have been way too old now for many years. I miss that. We do get up town and watch the kids in the town hunt.
    Hope you are all over the flu by now. Nasty stuff this year.

  7. Your mountain view is really lovely. Coleen is growing up! I agree about still getting an Easter basket :)

  8. What a lovely post, Ida, full of beauty and spring and happiness!
    Thank you for sharing. Wishing you sunny and cheerful spring days!

  9. Hello Ida, I love the cute deer and the pretty view of the mountains. Coleen is pretty, lovely shot. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

  10. Oh, Ida, Coleen is growing into a young lady right before our eyes. I should say a Beautiful young lady...

  11. my mother insisted we hunt those eggs until we were 13 years old.. even when we were in our teens she died the eggs and tried to get us to hunt them... she always gave us a basket until we moved out of the house.. i would so love to beat on that musical instrument. wow. and it even looks like art and to play on it to. what fun... Coleen is so beautiful, she has turned into a young lady over night. those deer are breath taking and it hurts me to think someone would shoot them. they are an easy hit since they don't seem afraid... that has to be an awesome sight to see

  12. Love the art piece to bang on. I love it.

  13. Hi Ida,
    The disc structure is amazing.
    It would be great to hear the resonance of the various discs.
    Love your photos.
    Have a Happy Day!
    Peace :)

  14. It's amazing that these deer are so close in your area. What a delightful photo op!
    Love your view of the mountains. We still have snow - On The Ground here!! It feels like Spring has forgotten us. Another 10 cm predicted for tomorrow too. Ugh.

  15. I like seeing the deer, too, Ida. They are such graceful creatures. I'm glad your snow pack has been good. Colorado caught up a little with the spring snow storms we've had.

    I think it's nice Coleen still enjoys the egg hunt! The weather looked lovely for it!

  16. The deer are so beautiful. We don't have them in my neighborhood, so it's a rare treat to spot a group like you have. Your granddaughter is getting so big! Oh, my! She's still as beautiful as ever!

  17. I would love to hear the sound of those discs!

  18. That's lovely, I'd feel like Colleen, not ready to give up the Easter Egg hunt, though the adults seem to have fun too. The Campanile is very interesting. I will check the link out right after this. Your photos are great Ida. I had fun looking at them.

  19. Beautiful photo instants! So lovely to see deers... And Springtime must be a great time for joyful things to do! Greetings!

  20. I wish we were actually having Spring. Now if the snow came on April Fools Day ,I would've laughed. But snow and this below freezing nonsense is soooo not funny! I want to try that stick banging thingy...Aloha.

  21. Wonderful pictures.
    Who would want to shoot the deer (except with cameras)
    The blogger does give problems of late. My problem is my posts are not listed out (happening for a couple of posts now)

  22. Looks like you are all having a fun time in the sunshine....
    Nice captures of the deer!

  23. My daughter is 13 and still loves it. The Easter Bunny was super tricky this year, and it took her well over an hour to find everything! Your blog is looking lovely Ida! Enjoy what's left of the week and upcoming weekend!

  24. Pretty Spring views ... Your little girl is growing up. It happens (too fast)!

  25. The disc is interesting, I've never seen anything like that. We have deer come around our house at times, always fun to watch them.

  26. Gorgeous spring shots. Who knows- in a year she might be ready to give it up.


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