Saturday, April 2, 2016

Happy Birthday Stephanie

Debbie (She Graces Her Home) is hosting a Blog Party today to honor her daughter, Stephanie (The Enchanting Rose) who is celebrating her 30th Birthday today.

Both Debbie and Stephanie have become good friends to me through the blogging world.  I met Stephanie first and then her mom, Debbie when I was partnered with her through one of the Tea Cup and Mug Exhanges.

Both of these wonderful women are Christian ladies and dedicated to their families and serving God.

It has been such a pleasure to me to visit each of their blogs so I couldn't pass up the chance today to help celebrate Stephanie's birthday.

Here is what I am choosing to share:

Thank you Stephanie for being a "blessing" in my life.  May God give you abundant blessings as you serve him and others.  You are truly an inspiration.

Wishing you the happiest of birthdays and many more to come.


  1. Happy Birthday, Stephanie...:)

  2. I know both these ladies thru blogging. Thanks for letting me know about Stephanie's bdy. Your photo/sentiment is beautiful, Ida.

  3. Thank you for the very inspiring quote, Ida!
    Have a Happy Day!!
    Peace :)

  4. Oh Ida...I don't know where to begin. I am incredibly honored and so humbled by this gift. Your post was truly the icing on the cake as I end the day. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for blessing me with your kindness and friendship. Your beautiful photos are always a delight and you, dear one, always touch my heart with your sweet comments and emails.

    Thank you for helping me celebrate my 30th birthday. Much love and sweet hugs to you!

  5. You're a good friend, Ida. And yes, Stephanie is a blessing.

  6. Ida, my my my this was such a surprise! You, my dear are a sweetie!
    Thank you for helping celebrate Stephanie's 30th birthday.
    I loved your image and quote, beautiful.

    I was just telling my husband about the watermelon gifts I sent with your mug and how you are allergic to watermelon. He's like...allergic, that poor lady, everyone loves watermelon. :-)
    I enjoyed shopping for you during that exchange.

    Thank you again for this precious post.
    The Lord bless you,

  7. Happy birthday to Stephanie.. this is s a lovely birthday post.. they both sound like wonderful people..

  8. Hello Ida, Happy birthday to Stephanie! Enjoy your day and week ahead!

  9. Blessings to you all! Have a grand day!

  10. Beautiful photo and such a lovely quote!

  11. What a beautiful message to the birthday girl!

  12. I met Stephanie through you, and you are right... she is a blessing.
    Wishing I wasn't behind on my blog reading so I could have stopped by with a birthday wish on time.


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