Monday, June 27, 2016

Book Review - Like Never Before

I finally found some time to read this month and it felt good.

Today I will be reviewing,  Like Never Before by
Melissa Tagg

I had previously read the book (From the Start) which was the first book in this series so I was quite excited about getting the chance to read the next installment of the series and I wasn't disappointed.

Here is a synopsis from (Bethany House) about the story.  My thoughts will follow:

Maple Valley became Amelia Bentley's haven after her heart and her dreams of a family were shattered. But when the newspaper she runs is in danger of closing, she pins all her hopes on a story that just might convince the new owner to keep the paper running.

After his biggest campaign success yet, widowed speechwriter Logan Walker has the chance of a lifetime: a spot on a presidential campaign. But first he has to return to his hometown to sell the newspaper he's suddenly inherited.

But instead of a quick sale, Logan finds himself helping Amelia chase her story. She's scrappy, but wounded. He's dependable, but lost. And working together to break the story on Maple Valley's unsolved mystery is just the start of the sparks that fly in the office and in their hearts.

Melissa's writing style is so easy to read and follow and is just plain,
Fun!  Even though this was the second book of the series you could easily pick up the story and understand who & how the characters from the first book fit into the story.

Amelia is such a fun and energetic character.  She is determined to save the town's newspaper from being sold.  She enlists the help of Logan (the man male character) who unbeknownst to her is the actual new owner of the paper to try and convince him to come to Maple Valley and help save the paper.

Their is a hint of "mystery" in the story as well when Amelia comes up with a story about a mysterious benefactor to the town and his (gift) that he supposedly left for the town.  You'll enjoy finding out more about this mystery man and how Amelia and Logan search for the truth.

Along with the mystery there is of course, "romance" and how it blossoms between the two main characters. 

The story is lighthearted and fun.  About the only "negative" I had with the story is the way the author has the entire town always pulling together to help each other out.  I don't know of any town (large or small) where everyone seems to get along and work together for a common goal so I found that aspect of the story to be slightly hard to believe.  That's not to say that it couldn't happen though.

Over all I give this book 5 Stars because of how just plain fun it was to read.


  1. sounds like a good read... who doesn't love a good mystery? i agree, i don't think i've ever seen a whole town anywhere come together to help. maybe churches but not a whole town. have a great day~

  2. Sounds like a good book. This reminds me, I really need to stop and check out our new library!


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