Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Seasons and Tuesday Treasures

Welcome - No book review today - I thought maybe you all might want to see some photos instead.

Joining Tom (The Back Roads Traveller) for TUESDAY TREASURES
and Jesh (St. Germains) for SEASONS 

Spotted this old Studebaker parked on the street one night while out on a photo walk.  I thought it would be great to share for Tuesday Treasures.  I don't know the year of the vehicle though but I do know it's not a new car for sure.

Another treasure we spotted out on one of our walks.  This old wheelbarrow that has been transformed into a lovely planter.

Tis the "season" for gorgeous flowers.

Speaking of flowers...

We spotted this cactus growing in someone's yard and stopped to snap pictures of it.  The lady came out and offered to let us dig some up after it finished blooming.   I have no space to plant one but it did remind me of a story that you might enjoy.  Stories can be "treasures" too.

Years ago I was with my parents out around the desert region of our state (Washington) where we spotted some cacti much like this one growing out in the wild.  My mom decided she wanted some to plant at their house so we drove down into the area and begin to dig some up.  Soon a State Patrol car drove into the area and asked what we were doing. 

They had seen us with shovel's digging in the area and apparently wanted to make sure we weren't burying any bodies.  We explained that we were just digging up some cacti and they said, "No problem" and went on their way.

It was unnerving at the time but also funny as you just don't know what people out in the desert might be doing with shovels!

A drive up one of the backroads the other afternoon produced this lovely scene of our Blue Mountains, a farmer's wheat field and some awesome clouds. - Summer is an amazing season in our area.

Finally last night produced some seasonal thunderclouds which as the sunset in the west reflected this gorgeous color onto the clouds east over our mountains.  A true treasure indeed.


  1. love the pink car and that spectacular view of the mountains looks like a famous painting. awesome cactus and story... good recycle on the wheel barrow and makes a spot of beauty with it

  2. A beautiful post, Ida! That car is a treasure find indeed, a pink one even! And how beautiful is the area you live in, the Blue Mountains make such a beautiful landscape. The story about the Cacti is priceless. Have a lovely day!

  3. Hello, the flowers and wheelbarrow are pretty. I love the views and landscape shots. Enjoy your day and have a happy week ahead!

  4. That old Studebaker is great for Tuesday treasures. I enjoyed the rest of your photos, too.

  5. Those last two scenes, such wonderful views.
    But I do especially like the old wheelbarrow that has been transformed into a lovely planter.

    All the best Jan

  6. Love the old wheel barrow planter. I've seen quite a few of these.
    What beautiful scenery.

  7. Ida, you found a 1959 Studebaker Lark Two-Door Sedan. A treasure for sure! What a lovely scene of the Blue Mountains. Thanks so much for stopping by and I hope that you will share more of your treasures in the future.

  8. That is a beautiful little lantern alongside the wheelbarrow planter. Great photos as always Ida

  9. Wow, beautiful scenery. I love the cactus flowers..how sweet she came out and offered you some!

  10. you've shared some great treasures. loved your story about digging up the cactus. i'd love to have me an old wheelbarrow to plant in. i almost bought one awhile back but the day i went to purchase it, it was gone... hope all is well. have a great night~

  11. Had to post twice today. Love the wheelbarrel flowers and the Pink car. Maybe a Mary Kay original.

  12. Great story, so nice of the woman to offer you some of her plant. What is that beautifull pink flower in your banner? Kind of looks like a peony but the pod looks like a poppy.

  13. Your story about the shovels made me laugh! What a scare:)
    Wish I would live closer to the desert (not when thinking about the temps!),love that blooming cactus! Here, I pay for them in the store! Thank you for sharing these beautiful captures with SEASONS an we'll "see" each other soon:)
    Also, glad you haven't become a celeb (your comment to me), because we wouldn't have come in contact with each other then! have a great rest of the week!

  14. Your mountain landscape is stunning!

  15. Hello Ida!:) The pink car must be well taken care of as it looks in great condition, and a wonderful addition to your post. I remember seeing old American movies with cars like this one. The beautiful landscape is spectacular, and a brilliant photograph. A fun incident in the desert also, and I seem to remember that your mom has green fingers, so it should do well in her garden.

  16. You sure found some nice things to photograph while on your walk. Very nice, Ida!

  17. Fabulous pictures! I was enjoying the heck out of your desert story (I watch a lot of Forensic Files and other things like that) and then I scrolled down and was completely knocked out of my chair by your hillside scenery photo. You surely do live in a beautiful area and you know how to capture it in a photo!

  18. Nice! That blue mountain shot is stunning.

  19. Oh, that story is too funny, and a little bit creepy! Love seeing the beautiful scenery, the old car and wheelbarrow. We had a blue car just like that one when we were first married (it was already 'vintage' then!) Hope you have a happy 4th! x Karen

  20. I do like that old wheelbarrow. What a great way to reuse it!

  21. Wow, the Studebaker is stunning! I haven't seen one of those in years. And the color looks fabulous. O.O Could that be the original color? Love it! And those flowers are gorgeous.
    Have a wonderful Independence Day celebration. :)

  22. beautiful views. love the old wheelbarrow.

  23. I love the wheelbarrow as a planter. Good idea! The cactus plant is doing very well. The last 2 photos are amazing.

  24. Stunning photos, Ida. I love the old Studebaker. What a great motor! And that roadside view of the Blue Mountains is sensational. How funny that the police should suspect your family of burying a body in the desert. The cactus looks lovely. I'm always amazed at how beautifully they bloom. Their flowers always look to me like they should be on some broad-leaved jungle plant. Awesome!

  25. The wheelbarrow planter made me smile as 25 years ago my brother and I gave my parents a wooden wheelbarrow for their silver wedding anniversary. It looks lovely like your gorgeous photo :)
    Happy Thursday!
    Wren x

  26. Stunning. Each one is unique and great to view.

  27. I had no idea that there was desert in Washington, that is so interesting.
    We are checking out a new car show this weekend. Hoping to see some neat old cars.

  28. Just found your blog. I love the photos. The cactus flowers are awesome! I also like the old car!

  29. your last image is such a winner!! i really love when peeps transform anything into planters for the garden....and plant sharing is the best aspect of gardening!!!

  30. Lovely series of photos....love the beautiful landscape.....the pink car looks impressive too!

    Happy weekend!

  31. Love that wheelbarrow planter - gorgeous.
    And I burst out laughing at your story!!! Can you just imagine!?

    Beautiful sunset.

  32. Gorgeous photos! That scenery is beautiful! I like cacti and this is an amazing one. The vintage car was in such perfect condition and I liked its color.

  33. You took some gorgeous photos. I especially like the landscape of the wheat fields, mountains, and clouds. Your story is funny. I would definitely move along if I saw folks with shovels anywhere. lol

  34. LOL! Thanks for sharing that story about the cacti. I'm amazed the state trooper let you all dig up cacti in the desert! Today, that would probably be against some obscure law. Glad it's provided some pleasure for your family.

  35. Great story! Such a fun trip that must have been with your parents and those memories :) Loved the picture of the farm fields and clouds - really awesome depth of field with that picture! My dad would know the year and model of the car, but not me, lol! Great picture too! Enjoyed my visit today :)


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