Sunday, June 26, 2016

Book Reviews


I forgot to post my review for one of the books during the month I read it but I want to go ahead today and review it for you.

I received a copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers for my honest opinion and review.

 Fire and Ice by Mary Connealy

Synopsis from Bethany House:
Saddle up for mysteries and laughs with the Wilde sisters!
Bailey Wilde is the oldest sister--and the one who takes care of everyone else in her family. But after her sisters marry and move away, her little homestead becomes bleak and lonely, especially during the long winter months. In a moment of weakness, Bailey agrees to a wild plan concocted by her neighbor, Gage Coulter.

Gage is an honest man, but he didn't make his fortune by being weak. He won't break the law, but he'll push as hard as he can within it. Five thousand acres of excellent grazing land is lost to him because Bailey's homestead is located right across the entrance to a canyon full of lush grass. Gage has to regain access to this land--and he's got to go through Bailey to do it. So he makes a proposal...

Can these two independent, life-toughened homesteaders finally loosen up enough to earn each other's respect--and maybe find love in the process?
My thoughts:  Fire & Ice is the 3rd Installmant of the Wild at Heart series.  I had not yet read the first two books when I read this one and yet I was able to keep up with the story and figure out who the characters besides the main ones were.
It took me a little to get into this book but once I got started I really enjoyed it.  Bailey is female lead character in the story and very independant.  She tries to hide the fact that she is a female at the start of the story.
Soon Gage (the main male character) enters the picture and discovers her secret.  They wage a seemingly impossible deal with each other by agreeing to marry.  His reason was due to the fact that his mother plans a visit and he had told her that he was married so he needed a wife quickly before she arrives.
Bailey agrees to protect her land that she homesteaded which is located near Gage's property.  Bailey's family is bound and determined to keep Gage from taking away her homestead.
Throughout the story the two will learn about each other and will encounter a dangerous situation where they will have to work together to preserve what they want and perhaps find even more then they had hoped for in the process.
My over all impression was that the plot kept you wanting to find out what would happen in the end.  The characters were believable and likeable as well.
I would give this book 4 stars and that was only because it took me awhile to get into the story.  It seemed a bit confusing at the beginning but other than that it was quite enjoyable.



  1. I'll have to look for this series. I love this type of book! Hugs, Diane

  2. book sounds pretty good from what you've written up here. now you'll probably go back and read the other two just to see what happens in them, :) hope all is well. have a great night~

  3. blessings
    beautiful flowers
    book sounds interesting

    have a blessed week.

    “The highest education is that which does not merely give us information, but makes our life in harmony with all existence”-Rabindranath Tagore

  4. Always nice to be able to come into a series and follow along!

  5. Sounds good. I've started several books that I've had a hard time getting interested in and then found them quite good a few chapters in. It used to be if a book didn't grab my interest in the first few pages I would give up on it

  6. it might be that it was confusing because it is in a series. i like series but i like to read them in order.. i prefer non series but it seems all the new books are part of a series.

  7. i feel i know this author, i wonder or will have to recall what i have read by her. i enjoy hearing what folks get or do read. i will go back and read more of what you spoke for more details. hope your summer is going well. keep that smile. ( :

  8. i have not read this but have read two books called Fire and Ice. i checked to see and there are 5 books with this name, all different authors. 2 of which i read. J. a jance and Palmer... good review on this one.

  9. Hello

    I wish you a wonderful new week.


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