Thursday, June 23, 2016

Good Fences - Charming Clematis and Fences


Welcome! - Won't you join me for some
GOOD FENCES hosted by Theresa (The Run-a-Round Ranch Report)
Today's Fence shots feature Fences of course and some Charming Clematis Flowers.
First up is this white picket fence with the clematis growing on the arbor.

I spotted this one driving down an alley one day.

Next up a nice gate which had a wonderful clematis growing next to it.

I love the color of this one.

Finally on a walk about a week ago we (me and Coleen) spotted this purple
one growing profusely over a chain link fence.

Don't you think it dresses up the fence nicely.

So that's it for today's edition of Good Fences.  Don't forget to stop by Theresa's blog and check out all the other Good Fences. 

 Have a wonderful day.


  1. they are all pretty and i like the dark one at the end best of all...

  2. I love your fences and special flowers. They are so beautiful. Summer is a beautiful season for us!!!

  3. Hello Ida, I love the clematis and the fences. Pretty photos. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  4. Fences have their summer finery on and they really do look good!

  5. really pretty on any kind of fence. :)

  6. Lovely floral and fence shots! Dazzling Spring/Summer photos!

    Happy Day and Weekend to you ~ ^_^

  7. The fences and flowers are simply lovely, my friend. Enjoy the upcoming weekend. Hugs!

  8. Great Fences...and such beautiful blossoms!!!

  9. Love them both and the color on that last one is really pretty

  10. Nice variety of flowers and fences

  11. I especially love the gate. Great with the clematis.

  12. I love the pretty shades of lavender! You really did great for good fences this week! Hugs, Diane

  13. clematis is beautiful growing over the fence like that. love the second and third images. great captures... hope all is well. have a great night~

  14. That dark purple bloom really sets that fence off. You did great on all of them. I need to go on a fence hunt.

  15. That dark purple bloom really sets that fence off. You did great on all of them. I need to go on a fence hunt.

  16. Any fence looks better with a resident clematis, I think. I really like the first fence and flowers.

  17. I like that scalloped fence and the flowers are really lovely. Have a great weekend Ida :)

  18. I like Clematis growing just about anywhere. Always nice on a fence. Lots of farmers make the hay rolls or Haylage or big Marshmallows.

  19. Beautiful lovely pink. Love this vine twining up the trellis.

  20. Hello Ida!:) The beautiful and versatile Clematis is the ideal plant for it's many colours, fragrance, and many uses. It looks so lovely on the fences and near the gate, and it does brighten up this simple chain fence. A very nice choice for Good Fences, and I love the colourful and pretty flowers in your new header also.:)

  21. Beautiful flowers and they dress up the fence beautifully!

  22. What pretty flowers along the fences!

  23. fences and flowers go well together. Love your new header :)

  24. I love the wood tone of that fence with the iron door handle!!

  25. It would be tough to choose a favorite. So happy you and Coleen enjoy photo hunts!

  26. i forgot to say that i really like your new header but i really liked the last one as well!!!!

  27. Beautiful flowers and fences, Ida.
    I also love your new banner.
    Have a Happy Weekend!
    Peace :)

  28. Thanks for following me! I m doing the same, love the variety of clematis that you have.

  29. Dearest Ida; Beautiful the clematis with the fences; And love your header with GORGEOUS flowers♡♡♡
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*

  30. The picture of door handle captured so well. Excellent composition in that.
    Have a great Sunday!

  31. So nice to combine your fences with clematis today, Ida! Such a lovely way to dress up a chain link fence or anything, really. Nice to spot the rustic, yet pretty picket fence in an alley. The old girl's got charm!

  32. So beautiful!! I love my clematis. I actually hated it for years - it was such a difficult thing to grow and looked so pitiful. But last year I changed it's location and this year it grew about 10 times it's size and burst with blooms!! My hubby had to build me a trellis for it. Now it looks amazing. I love the purple colour - maybe I will get another one.

  33. I am completely fascinated by all of those flowers. They are simply beautiful. I've never seen them planted to grow on an arbor. Did anyone ever let you know what those flowers are that look like fireworks? I've never seen anything like them either.


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