Thursday, September 22, 2016

Good Fences #131 - "Got Paint?"

 Welcome! - It's GOOD FENCES day!

Every week Theresa (The Run-a-round Ranch Report) hosts this awesome meme.   So let's join in the fun of looking for Good Fences.

Walking down one of the neighborhood alley's I spotted a fence that made me smile.  The reason is that this fence was badly in need of a paint job (it still is by the way) but I realized that even a neglected fence can be beautiful.

Let's see what you think...  (Click to Enlarge for better detail)

Loving the mossy look on the worn posts.

Yes at one time this use to be the typical "white picket" fence but now I think it has great character just as it is.

Hope you've enjoyed this fence in need of paint but still beautiful.

Nasty headache today so I may be awhile visiting your blogs.


  1. I hope your headache disappears quickly. I like the worn, distressed look. It's probably the look I would wear if I had to sand it down and repaint it!

  2. It's a beauty in my eyes! Love the yellow lichen on the weathered pickets.
    A great fence find!

  3. Hello dear Ida! How are you? I love your pictures today of the old fence post... surely it was a delight in its prime, but today, still very delightful in a vintage fashion! Hope you are enjoying lovely fall weather, I know we are enjoying it here. Hard to believe it is now fall.... seasons change so quickly it seems! Happy to visit with you today! Have you signed up for the tea/mug exchange? I have, and I am still so blessed to have connected with you, and the special friendship we have. In fact, I drink out of my rooster mug quite often, it is just perfect for me, and a reminder of our Rudy who passed this summer. Appreciate you and your friendship! Hugs to you today! :)

  4. Hello, I like the moss growing on this fence. Looks like mustard. Great fence find. Enjoy your day and the weekend ahead!

  5. Yes, it is beautiful! Ageing with grace! Hope you are feeling better soon! xx Karen

  6. It is great Ida. Old, paintless but beautiful. Thanks for sharing this "beauty"

  7. Personally if it was me, I'd be getting some solid stain out though sanding that thing would be enough work in itself

  8. You asked " Hope you've enjoyed this fence in need of paint but still beautiful."

    I did enjoy this fence, there is something quite charming about it...
    Hope you feel better soon.

    All the best Jan

  9. It's a great fence and perfect for Good Fences meme. Hope you feel better soon so you can enjoy Fall.

  10. It does need some fresh paint, but I like it the way it is!

  11. That fence could certainly use a coat of paint!!

  12. Ida, very nice! Old fences are often nicer than new ones! I think this one may have gone to far to be saved by a paint job!

  13. It would take a couple of coats of paint - down to raw wood.

  14. The peeling paint definitely gives it character. Nice photos!

  15. Hello Ida!:) Still, a very interesting fence, tipped with yellow.

  16. although a bright white newly painted fence is quite attractive it doesn't have the character that this one has

  17. It would take quite some time to paint this one.
    I love your last photo, nice perspective!

  18. Where's Tom Sawyer when you need him?

  19. I agree with you - I love the rustic character it has. Fresh, crisp white paint jobs are lovely on wood fences too, but honestly -- we don't go int the forest and paint the trees! Ha. I like the natural aged look.

  20. Dearest Ida; Oh, we (hubby and I) agreed what you said "neglected fence can be beautiful"♪ My (a bit) DIY lover hubby got really interested in your pictures (enlarged ones), made him smile as well(♡^.^♡) Have a wonderful rest of the week.
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  21. I think paint is not enough in this case :)

  22. The worn look on this old fence adds a lot to its character. You found another great fence Ida.

  23. Weathered and worn but still beautiful!!

  24. I sure wouldn't want to have to paint that old fence...especially trying to get all the old paint off. I like the character, too.

  25. OOOhhhh....I LOVE your fences this week! I need to get out and take some photos for the next one. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    Cheryl Ann

  26. It still has lots of style despite the paint being gone.


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