Thursday, December 15, 2016

Book Review - Fatal Frost

Today I am reviewing (Fatal Frost) by Nancy Mehl.  - I received a copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for my honest review.

This book is the first in a series, (Defenders of Justice).

Here is an overview from Bethany House:

Following in her absentee father's footsteps in a law enforcement career, U.S. Marshal Mercy Brennan has just recovered from being shot in the line of duty. And, unbeknownst to her, her father's recent reappearance in her life has put her in the sights of St. Louis's most powerful gang. Her boss assigns Deputy U.S. Marshal Mark St. Laurent--Mercy's ex-boyfriend--to get her out of town until her safety can be guaranteed.

Unaware of the extent her boss and Mark have been keeping her in the dark, it isn't until a freak ice storm strands them at a remote location and out of contact with the district office that the full severity of their situation becomes clear. As the storm worsens, the forces of nature combine with a deadly enemy to put them in great danger. Can they survive long enough for help to arrive--if help is even coming at all?


My thoughts on the book:  First off I decided to review this book because I like watching Crime shows on television and thought that this book would fulfil that passion for solving crimes.

The main Character is Mercy Brennan a US Marshal.  Mercy seemed to be very controlled and precise in her thinking and actions.  Suddenly she is thrust into a situation that she doesn't have full control over. - She is sent on a mission along with her former boyfriend, Mark St. Laurent who is also a US Marshal.  They along with her friend, Tally, a Police officer encounter a dangerous situation that could cost them their lives.

I found that the book started out somewhat confusing for me.  The plot dealt with the Drug Cartel and The Police Department in St. Louis, Missouri. - For the most part it was feasible as far as the plot of the story although I do think in some places it was a little far-fetched.

Of course along the way there is an attraction between Mercy and Mark that reignites as they face this situation together.  Mercy though is reluctant to trust anyone due to suffering losses in her childhood that made her rely solely on herself in any situation.  Plus the fact that Mark became a Christian during their early relationship and Mercy had no desire to believe in God as a result of her early childhood disappointments.  She couldn't see keeping Mark in her life after he accepted Christ.  Through the events that they face in the story she eventually comes to realize that God is real and that she can trust in someone other than herself.

It was an enjoyable read although I did find it to be somewhat predictable.

I've read one other book by this author that I enjoyed (Deadly Echoes) more as the story seemed more believable and held my interest just a little more than this one did.

I would have to give this book perhaps 3.5 stars overall.


  1. Sounds like a an interesting read!

  2. I haven't read any books but this author but I'll look for them. I like mysteries best lately. Holiday hugs, Diane

  3. sounds like my kind of book. thanks for the review. will check on Deadly Echos also

  4. Enjoyed your honest review. Unbelievable plots are a bit tiring to read, I find. I have never done any reviews for companies, as I don't have much time to read. I enjoyed hearing your opinion on this book though. Hugs to you today!


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