Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Book Review - Reason to Breathe

Welcome! - Today I am reviewing the book:  Reason to Breathe by Deborah Raney.

This is the 1st book in the Chandler Sisters series. - I love it when I get to start a new book series.

I like to read a variety of book genres and this series is listed as Christian Romance.

I love a good, clean romance story and this one turned out be just that.  From the moment I started reading the book I was hooked on the Chandler sisters,  Phylicia, Joanna & Britt.

This book features Pyhlicia (Phee) as the main female character of the story.
The sisters have recently lost their mother and their father takes off to Florida leaving them to deal with the selling of their family home and trying to understand their father's unusual behavior and why he left them to deal with things on their own.

Their father arranges to have his business partner, Quinn to get the 3 sisters to agree to buying a piece of property with three (fixer-upper) cottages and renovate them to rent out to tourists. 

Along the way they learn a family secret that rocks one of the sisters and threatens to change everything they have ever believed about their parents.

So what I liked about this book was the camaraderie between the sisters, the mystery of the family secrets, the love story that begins to develop between Phee and Quinn and the way their faith binds them altogether.

It was a fun read and the characters were believable and interesting.  The best part was that there will be more books in the series!

If you are looking for a quick, easy and enjoyable romance story I would highly recommend this one.

I received an advance copy to read from Net Galley for my honest opinion of this book.

If you would like to read this book you can Pre-Order it HERE.


  1. Sounds like a very interesting read. Thanks for the heads up!

  2. sounds good to me, thanks for the review

  3. I love books that are a series. Especially if you like the characters. The more you read the more you want to know about them. This sounds like a good one.

  4. this book looks very very good and I will look for it at the library!! I've never heard of this author, love to find new ones to love! Happy Fall!!

  5. Thanks for the recommendation. Enjoy the rest of your week!

  6. i am not a reader but i wish i were...

    this was a good review, and it's nice that you enjoyed it!!!


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