Friday, September 11, 2020

Willy Nilly Friday Five - September 11, 2020

 Hello & Welcome!

So it's time for another edition of WILLY NILLY FRIDAY FIVE 

1.  First up:  I've started stamping cards again!  If you want to read about this particular card or check out any of my other cards there is a link at the top of my page that will take you to my stamping blog.

2.This is an "abstract edit of a photo I submitted for 52 Frames.  The original shot is below.  I had fun playing around with it to come up with this edit.

3.  We had a power outage this week on the 7th.  This happened less then a block from where we live.

 The tree took down a pole and lines and then split this pole which is right across the street on the corner from where we live.  We were without power for about 5-6 hours.   It happened around 4:30 pm and the power didn't come back until around 10:00 pm.  I usually sleep with a fan and the television running to block out snoring & other noises.  Needless to say I didn't get any sleep until after the power was back on.

4.  Hmm...what's this?  - Well we had a big event happen on Tuesday the 1st of September.  Can you guess what it was?  Check out #5

5.  Our daughter had a baby on the 1st.  Please welcome, 

Joelle Marian-Jean Martin to our family.  There will be more pictures of her for sure in later posts.

 We think she's pretty special.  So now Coleen is a "Big Sister."

Getting tips from her mom on how to change a diaper!

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend.


  1. Your cards are beautiful and so is wee Joelle Marian-Jean!

  2. Oh the baby. Adorable.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Ida. ♥

  3. it's great to see you back, doing all the "fun" things. the card is beautiful, a perfect fall card!! we lost power recently during the storm isaias, we did not have power for 4 days. the house was so hot, we tried to get a hotel and everything was booked. congrats on the new baby girl, everyone must be so thrilled!! and yes, more pictures please!! have a wonderful weekend!!

  4. Joelle is adorable! And she'll grow up having two moms which will be special for them and for her. I love your edits and that stamp card is really nice I like that a lot

  5. Joelle is beautiful, congratulations! Love your cards. My favorite is the first one, I really like the acorn. Fancy!

  6. ...Hallmark has nothing over you!
    ...I've never tried my hand at this.
    ...Mother Nature wasn't kind to you!
    ...checking things out.
    Thanks Ida for joining the party, enjoy your weekend.

  7. Congratulations on the new addition to the family.
    I didn't realize you had a crafting blog. I'll have to go check it out. I love the card

  8. The smoke in the air was intense when we returned to Maple Valley last Monday. It was partially cleared by midweek, but has really returned for the weekend.

  9. Joelle is a beautiful baby. Congratulations!

  10. Congratulations! She is adorable.

    That with the electric lines is scary..we had the top blow down out of neighbor's tree and hit the wire and it came down across the garage. Roger was in it. I kept hearing this noise and could not think what it was. I looked out and the wire was right in front of the garage door arcing...that is what made the noise. It melted rock in the cement of the step into the garage and caught a corner on fire.

    I called 911...was so scared I could hardly function. And they were right here in less than five minutes. Roger had had a bucket of water inside for quenching stuff he had welded...he threw water, bucket and all on the fire and put it out. But I was about sick after it happened thinking about what could have been.

  11. how precious !! welcome to you Joelle Marian-Jean Martin and congrats to everyone ♥♥♥♥♥

  12. Love those cards! Oh a new baby! Such joy! Beautiful little one. I am seeing so many girls, it is a nice change as they say when boys are born, and we have plenty in our brood, war is inevitable. I pray. Thanks for sharing and hope your new little one is well along with her mom and phamily too. HUGS across the miles. XO XO


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