Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Wordless Wednesday - Smoke Gets in Yours Eyes

Joining in today for Wordless Wednesday.




  1. We have lots of smoke here too. I'm so ready for some fresh air, as you are.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Ida. ♥

  2. Oh my GOSH, we both did the SAME post!!!!! I hope you are alright?

  3. We're even beginning to see the beginnings of smoke here in Ohio, but way up. Hopefully, all will be out soon.

  4. I actually posted a picture exactly like your third one. But I deleted it later because I thought I had too many pictures.

  5. Dang, that smoke looks mighty unpleasant. We hope your skies clear soon.

  6. I've been seeing lots of pictures where the smoke is heavy. It looks like it's a foggy day.

  7. Ida - we have smoke here in Montana too. It has been diminishing and we hope the rain on Saturday will make a big difference. I hope you have a good weekend!

  8. The smoke is heavy there it seems. I feel so sorry for those that have lost their homes, jobs, etc.

  9. so sad to see all this smoke and think of all the devestation that has been caused by these fires and all the wildlife in its path... stay safe

  10. Oh, this makes my eyes water just looking at the photos! I really hope you are safe from all this destruction. xoxo

  11. wow...this is so disheartening!! stay indoors and be safe. 2020 has been one "helluva" year (pardon me).

    I was elated to see you drop by for a visit!!

  12. I hate to see morning here, it looked like actual smoke had blown in, and not just a hazy look. I cannot imagine being there.

  13. I am so sorry that you are having to deal with the smoke too! I do hope it clears up for you soon. Stay safe!


  14. We've had the smokey haze here in IN, too. It nearly blocks the sun. My heart and prayers for all who suffer this so immediately! Wishing you well!

  15. Wow, smoke, indeed! Lots of devastation out west. Be safe!

  16. Hi Ida! Good to see you. As you know, I am rarely Wordless on Wednesday or any other day. It was nice seeing your comment at my blog. I hope your week is wonderful and you are enjoying the days as the weather changes. HUGS across the miles. XO

  17. we have seen what we guess are snow clouds and in the winds?? i think??! sure is hazy. enjoy your views. thanks for sharing ( ;

  18. so much smoke!! we often take for granted our clear air. they say the smoke is here in new jersey, in the form of haze, can you believe it has traveled that far??

  19. I cannot imagine living with that for days on end!

  20. The fire season has been awful this year. We thought with the rain ans snow we had last week we would be free of it all but not yet. It is sad most all of them have been caused by careless people. Hoping you get some relief soon. HUGS across the miles XO XO XO XO XO


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