Friday, September 25, 2020

Willy Nilly Friday Five - September 25, 2020

 Hello & Welcome.

Joining Tom (The Backroads Traveller) for WILLY NILLY FRIDAY FIVE today.

1. While on our walk a few weeks ago this little quail appeared for a brief moment. I managed a couple of quick shots before it scurried off into the blackberry bushes.

2.Our daughter Greta celebrated a birthday this month.  She's pointing to the candles on the cake because the flames would match the color of the candles.

3.Spotted this Praying Mantis looking in our kitchen window (yes I know they need washed) so I went out and took it's picture.

A few days laughter Coleen and her friend found a green one and wanted me to look at it so I took it's picture too.

4.  Our cat, Harley is NOT a lap cat and we are always trying to coax him onto our laps.  Coleen has had the best success.  He actually got up on her lap the other night and let her comb him. (He loves being brushed and combed.)
5.  Finally after all that horrible smoke and haze from the fires it rained.

Bonus shot:  It's time for another baby fix - Little Joelle is growing and we think she is cute as can be.


  1. I enjoyed all the photos but I loved the bonus picture most of all. How sweet

  2. bloggers agree: joelle IS as cute as can be ♥♥

    praying mantis are supposed to bring calm....

    N wavez two ewe harley frum uz catz in de land oh trout !! ~~~~ =^..^=

  3. What wonderful photos and times you have had!! Enjoy your weekend!

  4. ...whenever I see a quail I need to be fast, they don't like to stick around.
    ...fall in birthday time in our family.
    ...I haven't seen a Praying Mantis in ages!
    ...that's one BIG cat! folk sure need rain and so do we.
    ...she's a keeper!
    Thanks Ida for joining the party, take care and have a great weekend.

  5. Those were fabulous photos and little Joelle looks ready to doze off!

  6. Happy birthday to Gretta! Joelle is so cute!

  7. Who can resist a baby this cute? Your kitty looks so much like our Simba. Wow, I never saw candles with a matching flame!

  8. Happy birthday to Greta! Glad you got some rain.

  9. Your Bonus Shot is the best of all!
    Great photo of the rain on the leaves.
    I have Praying Mantis on my blog too. I read somewhere you can tell males from females by the length of their wings. The females' wings are shorter than their bodies; males' wings cover their bodies (so yours are males).
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  10. happy birthday greta!!! that second praying mantis shot is amazing, really superb!! harley looks so sweet and colleen all grown up!!

    little joelle is adorable, (i love her name) congrats to everyone, i am sure you are enjoying her!! happy saturday, have a wonderful weekend!!!

  11. Joelle is a sweetie. Enjoyed your pictures. Happy birthday Greta. Send some of the rain this way. Enjoy your weekend

  12. I keep forgetting you are blogging again...and I don't know why cause I always enjoy your posts. I was thinking the other day that I have not seen a single Praying Mantis this year. Normally we have a hatch right here at home...besides seeing adults. Love that picture of Coleen and Harley...and I so love that last pic. So glad that it did rain.

  13. Ohhhhh, darling babe!! Sweet cat. And I've never seen a clay-colored praying mantis before
    (BTW, your windows are cleaner than mine...and I can't wash 'em unless we tear down the hurricane shutters).

  14. Babies are the best! WHat a lovely phamily you have. I love seeing the photos. Makes me feel like I know each person more personally here. THanks for stopping by and it is very nice to see you today. Have a great week! HUGS across the miles XO XO XO XO XO

  15. Ida - wonderful pictures. I have always loved praying mantis, but we don't see them in Montana. So thanks for sharing!

  16. Thank goodness for your rain! Sweet family photos, and I wish you could see my windows at the moment. You would not feel bad about yours!


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