Friday, June 30, 2023

Life Events

 Well life happened again....
Last Friday I was awakened by a loud crashing sound and saw my hubby flop onto our bed.  I asked if he was okay and he said no...he was extremely dizzy and said his left arm and side felt numb.
Thinking it was a heart attack we called 911 and off he went to the hospital.

They did a CT scan there and we talked to another doctor over a screen who said he had a stroke.  

They needed to give him a shot of a powerful drug that breaks up blood clots.  It only works if given within 4 1/2 hours of onset of the stroke symptoms.  We barely made it under the wire but thank the good Lord we did.
He had to stay in ICU for at least 24 hours as the drug can cause bleeding in the brain or other parts of the body.
They moved him on Sunday to a different room where he didn't have to be monitored as closely.
Lots of trips were made back and forth to the hospital for the next few days...sleep was lost by both the patient and the wife!
He was able to come home on Tuesday evening.  HOORAY!
Doing well. - Still has some double vision but it's improving.  For awhile he saw 2 of me!  
He has to use a walker right now but hopefully in time and after

PT he will be walking on his own.  Right now he wants to 

Sleep a lot. - So that's a bit of what's been happening here.


  1. Tons of prayers for hubbies full recovery. ♥

  2. I am so glad this turned out well, and under that deadline for the shot. this is the exact same thing that happened to Bob in 2017, he stood up and fell back on the bed and we rushed him to the hospital and he had a stroke also, his was not a blood clot, but both his carotid artery were blocked, one 100 percent and the other 75 percent. It was a miracle he made it. he had to have surgery to clean out one of the ateries and it took about a year to get back to normal. one side of his mouth was down and his left leg did not work well, but he is fine and has been ok since then. Prayers for quick recovery and for both of you as you go through this together.

  3. Oh my goodness!!! I am so glad that things went as well as they did!! And that the hospital acted so quickly. Keep me updated on how he is doing! So will he be having P.T. a couple times a week? Will it be at home? I love your pretty painted tulip header!

  4. So sorry to hear this. Prayers for a quick recovery.

  5. My goodness, I'm so thankful you got the medical attention on time and I'm glad the rehab is going well. Hugs from all of us.

  6. Glad you were able to get him medical attention quickly.

  7. Sending prayers that healing continues !

  8. I'm glad to hear he's home and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a full recovery. Life can be crazy scary sometimes. This must have been a harrowing experience for both of you.

  9. Hoping all will go well with his rehab. Prayers for a speedy recovery! Cathy

  10. Oh Ida, I am so sorry to hear about your husband's stroke! But how thankful that it happened when you could get him help very quickly! What a terrifying thing to go through, and I will be praying for you both!


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