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Friday, July 12, 2024

Book Review - A Wish For Christmas by Courtney Cole

 It's been a while since I've done a book review and in fact even taken the time to read a book. I received an, Uncorrected E-Proof copy of this book from Net Galley back in 2023.  I started reading the book and then somehow life happened and I didn't get around to finishing it until this year.  That's not to say this was not a good book.

Here is the description from Net Galley:

In this heartwarming story from New York Times bestselling author Courtney Cole, an unhappily married couple makes a wish on an enchanted snow globe that they had never met, but when they wake up the next day in separate lives, the magic of Christmas helps them to realize that some love is just meant to be. 

Two weeks ’til Christmas…

Noel Blake is not in a great place. After several years of marriage, she and her husband Jonah are quietly drifting apart. The only time they really talk at all anymore is when they walk their dog, Elliott. And even then it usually ends in bickering.

When, one snowy day, Elliott manages to slip his leash, they find him blocks away in the care of a mysterious old man who asks them to make a wish on an old snow globe. Eager to get their dog safely home, they agree to his strange request. Neither one realizes that the wish they’re about to make will change the course of their lives... possibly forever.

When Noel and Jonah wake up the next morning, they’re in separate beds, separate apartments, separate lives. But are they any happier? As they live the existences they’d always wished for, both feel that something very important is missing. And when a chance encounter brings the pair back together, they find they have a spark of something very special.

Will they be able to find their way back to each other before it’s too late, or does the Christmas Magic have another fate in store?

Here are my thoughts on the book now that I've finished it and even reread the beginning of the book.

First of what caught my attention was the description of the story. It's a romance novel, set at Christmas and who doesn't like a Christmas story? - I chose to start reading where I had left off this month and finally got hooked on the story. The weird part was that since it had been so long since I had started the book I had forgotten what the beginning of the story was like so I went back over that this morning before starting my review.

The book starts out in the first chapter being told in the 3rd person perspective.  After Chapter 1 the author switches to 1st person narrative going back and forth throughout the remainder of the book between the main female character and the main male character of the story. It also contains a very large dog that is a main part of the story plot for those animal lovers out there. 

This book was super easy to read even though it took me a while to finish the story.  Once I started reading it again I read through it rather quickly and thoroughly enjoyed the book.

What I liked about it,  The characters were interesting and believable. The plot was fun and made you want to keep reading to find out how everything would turn out.  Another thing that I really enjoyed was that it did not contain a bunch of foul language or explicit sex scenes.(That's just not my thing.)  It was a good, clean romance story and none of that other stuff was needed to make the story fun to read. There were a few places in the story that I personally thought were perhaps a touch far fetched or over the top but that is just my opinion.

Would I recommend this book and this author,  Yes 100% if you are looking for a fun, lighthearted story with romance & intrigue as well.

I would read her work again and am just sorry it took me so long to read it and give my review.  I've missed reading and plan to do more.


  1. I haven't heard of this book. But how cool to read it during a heat wave! I love your Iris header, been meaning to tell you.

  2. The book reminds me of a typical Hallmark Christmas movie. And I will admit that I'm a sucker for a Christmas


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