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Friday, June 14, 2024

Balloon Stampede 2024 - Lots of photos

 Welcome! - Life is still going on and the work on the house is still in progress.  The bathroom is almost totally completed, flooring is up in the living, dining and kitchen.  Still have to paint and do the floors in the bedroom. - Lots of changes but it's all looking great.

So I finally got around to editing a few photos (well more than a few) from the annual Hot Air Balloon stampede.  This year is was moved back to the Mother's Day weekend date.  They had great weather the first couple of days so I managed to get a bunch of pictures.

Here are some from Day 1 and 2 of the event.  I didn't actually go out to where they were launched from.  These were all taken from our house as the balloons floated over our home.

I almost missed getting a picture of the rocket balloon as I wasn't up in time to know that the balloons hard started going up already.

The balloon with the fruit/apples on the side is one of my favorites, you'll see it again later on.

This one is another of my favorite balloons to see.

I think I'll stop here and come back tomorrow with more balloons photos to share.


  1. You got great shots! They are all gorgeous. My favorite is the fourth from the bottom.

  2. They have really beautiful markings on all of these some I like better than others and I do love the one that looks like the American flag they’re all gorgeous. I bet that’s a real pain having your house torn up like that but it’ll be worth it when it’s all over

  3. Awesome photos of the balloons. It reminds me that this weekend they have the hot air balloon event near here. It's about a 1/2 hour drive. I don't usually go though.


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