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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Ducky Derby 2024

 Here today to share this year's Ducky Derby photos with you.

Sadly they did not race down the creek like normal.  - Instead they just dumped them out of the dump truck down what looked like a slip-n-slide with some water and then picked the winners out. The water level was to low for them to float down properly.

Worse yet was that we missed them even dumping the ducks. Normally they don't hold the race until around 1:00 or 2:00.  Apparently I did read the post that said they would be doing the dump at 12:00 noon. - So by the time we got there they we all out of the truck and it was hard to get any pictures. 

Part of the pile of ducks that were dumped.  That's the only picture I took of the ducks this year.

The remainder of my pictures were of Jojo and Jupiter doing some of the activities that were available to do.

  Petting some bunnies.

Doing a ring toss game.  She was scared at first to try it.  They give all the kids a little prize even if they don't get the ring on the hook.

Sisters in front of the Duck Mascot.

Enjoying the tumbling activities.

Really enjoying the hot dog before we went home!

Didn't win any prizes (again)...people were complaining about that because a few businesses in town buy large quantities of tickets and generally win most of the prizes.  - It goes for a good cause and maybe just maybe you might get lucky and win.

Till next year that's it for this year's Ducky Derby photos. 


  1. Too bad you missed them dumping the ducks. You got some great pictures of the girls though. Jo Jo is so cute and Jupiter looks like she is an excellent big sister

  2. sorry it was not as good as usual, great shots of your girls and i know they had fun anyway

  3. She is so gorgeous with that beautiful red hair! Wow, that's a lot of ducks! We have the yearly duck race here, but not anywhere near this many!!

  4. ...Ida, your little redhead sure has gotten big. The last time that I was around, she was tiny. Take care and be well.

  5. oooooh i remember this from years ago, too bad it was a disappointment!! i remember the sisters, but not their names, i will have to have a look back. cute pictures, everyone is looking so grown up!!


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