Thursday, July 28, 2016

Good Fences #123 - Let's Sit for a Spell

Howdy! - Thought I'd change up my greeting today.

It's GOOD FENCES day so let's join Theresa for some fun with fences.

Shockingly today I'm just sharing one (Yes, 1) photo.

It's summer here in the good old USA and I spotted this cute fence scene while out and about and thought it was a good time to share it.

I love that tiny little green lawn chair.  Looks like a pleasant place to sit and enjoy a summer afternoon.  Except right here it's really HOT now so I doubt people are spending much time sitting outside.

Have a great day, I'm off to the Dentist (oh goodie) so I'll check out your fences soon.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Seasons - Time Flies By Quickly

With everything that has been going on with our computer lately I have been struggling to get blog posts written. 
Today I'm joining Jesh at her new blog for,
Last week was a bit of a blur...Coleen had been away at Camp the week before so we started out the week getting caught up on laundry from her camp experience.  Plus her (step brother and sister) were visting from Idaho so she spent some time doing things with them. 
Then we had company...

My Step-son (Erick and his wife, Elaine) were moving from OR to KY and made a stop at our place for the night last week.  We enjoyed seeing the Grandkids even though the visit was brief.
Not much else has been going's to blasted HOT right now to do much outside.
Even the neighborhood cats are protesting the weather right now! - We don't know who's cat this is but he stops by quite often for food.  We call him, "White Socks."
Coleen spotted this spider near the top of our house the other night so we both went out and took pictures of it.  I like taking photos of spiders but I don't want them crawling on me.
I bought a succulent plant earlier this summer.  It's called a Cobweb Houseleek or a Spider Web Hen and Chick because it looks like it has spiderwebs all over it.
Well one day as I was looking out at the flower beds I happened to notice some pretty pink flowers near where I had planted it so I got curious and went to see what they were....
Turns out this particular succulent has blooms! - What a nice surprise.
So there is a little of what has been happening in my neck of the woods.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Good Fences #122 - Fences in the "Blues"

Welcome! - It's been quite a week here.  After switching my e-mail address I started having some issues with e-mails and yesterday I called our ISP provider to see if they could fix the problem.  As it happened they accidentally deleted a file that I needed to use the e-mail program and I lost all my contact information.  Needless to say I was not a "Happy Camper".

Anyway it's been fixed "sort of" as I had to switch to a different email downloaded system and am not trying to get people's e-mail addresses back on file. - It's a mess but alas there isn't much I can do but start all over.

 Just wanted to explain why I haven't bee visiting blogs this week.

"Whining" over now....

It's time to join Theresa (The Run-a-round Ranch Report) for some....

So last Sunday I took my mom & Coleen for a drive up in the Mountains.  We took a road known as Blue Creek Road and at the top you get this view:

Click to Enlarge all photos

 That's the Walla Walla Valley below.  If you look closely there are fences in this shot.

Mind you this is a "primitive" road (lots of gravel, rocks, ruts etc....)

I had planned to turn around and head back down the way we came but my mom said, "Well this road has to go somewhere so let's see where it goes."
I should have known better but I decided to keep on driving. The bad part was that I told my hubby I'd only be gone a 30-45 minutes.  And I forgot to take my Cell Phone with me!

Prior to that I took a few photos of some fences:

Looking "up"  at a fence from the road below.

 This is all private property so you can only be on the road itself without trespassing on someone's land.  They have signs posted everywhere from the Sheriff's Department so I made sure to only take pictures from the road itself.

Looking "down" at a farm house below (no fence in this shot)


Look closely at the left side of this shot and you will see a road way off in the distance...yes we are heading that direction.

Lots of barbed wire fencing in this area.  This one looks pretty "wicked" to me
Some of the fencing was in need of repair but it looks pretty cool all rusted and such.
Off in the distance you can see storm clouds forming and yet I'm still driving on to who knows where.
I liked the lone tree in the wheat field.
So after several miles of bumping over this rocky road I finally notice a car behind me and I stop to let them pull along side.  It's a Service Car for the Watershed.  I tell the guy that I'm sort of lost and ask where the road leads.  He laughs a bit but tells me that I need to keep driving about 5 more miles and then take a left and I'll end up on a road that will lead me to the small town of Dixie, WA.  The road will be Biscuit Ridge Road.
What he doesn't say is that once I reach the left turn I'll have to wind around and around back down more bumpy, rutty, and rock road to finally reach pavement.
On the way down we spotted this pipe fencing across someone's property.
Last but not least we spotted this entrance to someone's property:
Their road actually looks nice compaired to what we were driving on.
We eventually reached a paved road that lead us into the little town of Dixie, WA and I made the 30 mile drive back to Walla Walla.
What an adventure!

Friday, July 15, 2016

Willy Nilly Friday 5

 Welcome and Happy Friday!

Joining Tanya (Around Roanoke) today for:


1.  Splish Splash

Took Coleen to the Splash Pad a couple of weeks ago for a Photo Shoot for the prompt (Water)  for the 52 Frames project.  This shot was one of the ones I considered for my entry but I went with something different.

2.  Can You See Me?

We spotted this doe in the middle of a wheat field while out on a drive.  She's actually standing up in this shot.
3.  It's a Colorful World

 One of my lilies.  I shot this with my rainbow whirly-gig in the background of the lily.

4. Here Kitty, Kitty.

One of the neighborhood cats.  I love the way this shot turned out.

5.  Home is Where Your Heart Is

This sweet birdhouse is located at my brother's cabin.  I used this shot for the 52 Frames prompt,  Architecture.
6.  Seaside Art

 This is my artistic version of a photo I took of some seagull figures on the back of someone's garage here in town.  The original SOOC (Straight Out of Camera) shot is below.

Hope you have enjoyed my Randoms.  Have a wonderful weekend.

Coleen comes home today after a week at Church Camp.  It's been quiet here without her so I'm looking forward to having her back today.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Good Fences #121 - Graceful Deer (With Fences)

Hello & Welcome!  - If you are visiting for (Seasons or Tuesday's Treasures) Click on the link and you'll be taken to that post.

Now it's time to join Theresa (The Run-a-round Ranch Report) for,

Click to Enlarge Photos

Last week Coleen, my mom & I took a short drive up to Bennington Lake to look around for a bit.  On the drive back down from the lake we spotted the following....

These two deer enjoying the lush grass.  I shot this through the dirty windshield so as not to scare them off.  They didn't seem to concerned though.

The doe (on the left) moved back across the road and if you enlarge this shot you'll see that the deer on the right is a buck with a spike antler.

He resumed grazing while she kept a watchful eye on me as I eased closer to them.

These next shots I was able to roll the windows down and take them.

Mr. Buck decided I was getting to close so he hopped the guardrail on the other side of the road and stood in the tall grass.  No fence in this shot but let's just say he's "fenced in" by all that grass.

The watchful doe stayed where she was briefly and even posed for this lovely shot.  We believe she's been "tagged" by the mark on her ear or had it torn somehow.  It was hard to tell which.

Then she turned and we noticed a second doe behind the fence.

The first one joined her and as I had cars backed up behind me on the road I was only able to get one more quick shot of the second doe before I had to drive on down the road.

Always a treat for me to see deer in the wild and even better when they have fences in the shots to share with Good Fences.

Don't forget to check out the other participants.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Seasons & Tuesday Treasure - July 13, 2016

 Welcome!  - Today I'm joining Jesh (St. Germain's) and Tom (The Backroads Traveller) for:

SEASONS and TUESDAY'S TREASURES - Click on the links to be taken to either Meme for the other participants entries.

Last year I attended an event here in Walla Walla known as the "Wings of Freedom Tour" - But only posted one photo taken from that event.  As luck would have it the same event was held here again this year.  So today I'm sharing a mix of photos from both last year & this year.

This is a promotional van for the tour.  I thought it was worth showing as well as the planes.

 These WWII planes were here in Walla Walla and you could take "walk-thru" tours of them.  We didn't want to pay the price to actually go inside the planes but were offered a ride in a golf cart to get up closer to them for free so we decided to do that instead.

 B24J-Liberator - (Witchcraft)

Some of the Graphics on the Liberator.
Another view of the Liberator
B17 Flying Fortress - (Nine o Nine)

Graphics on the Flying Fortress

B-25 Mitchell - (Tondelayo)
Graphics on the B-25 Mitchell

P51C Mustang (Betty Jane)
There were some other planes owned by local people on display as well.  This is one of the By-Planes that was on display. 

If you click on the links next to each of the planes you'll be taken to the Collins Foundation for information about each of these restored planes.
I hope you have enjoyed seeing them.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Good Fences #120 - White Stone Wall

Welcome! - I've been absent from the blog for a few days but am back today for GOOD FENCES hosted by Theresa (The Run-a-round Ranc Report)

Just down the street from us is a White Stone wall/fence that I find very interesting to photograph.

This shot shows the gate that is on one end of the wall.  I think it has a "medieval" look to it.

In this shot you can see the lovely flowering tree that drapes over it in the spring.
Finally I captured a view of the wall through another fence on a vacant lot.  I like how the roses blooming in the overgrown yard are visable through the opening of the fence.

Hope you have enjoyed my fences today.  Have a wonderful day.