Thursday, June 29, 2017

Good Fences, Little Things to be Thankful For

Joining Gosia today for Fences Around The World
Nothing fancy hear today - Just a simple wood fence, some bamboo & bamboo plants.

Also joining Tamar for LITTLE THINGS THURSDAY


It's the "little things" like Strawberry Rhubarb Crunch (with a nice scoop of Vanilla Ice Cream) that make me happy.
Recipe found HERE - It's so delicious.

and Michelle for:  THANKFUL THURSDAY

Thankful for the joy & fun that all our animals bring.

Sharing a shot of Cricket (our Pug) and Caramel watching her.

We don't normally allow Cricket in with the cats as she tends to chase them but we are starting to get them use to her being in the room with them as it's not fair to the dog to never be allowed in the living room with everyone else.  As you can see Caramel is a bit leery of Cricket but she didn't run and hide and Cricket didn't chase any of the cats so I think the new socialization is going to work.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Willy Nilly Friday Five

Happy Friday! - Summer is here and life continues to be busy. 

Joining Tanya Today for WILLY-NILLY FRIDAY FIVE.

1.  One of my blogging friends, (M.K. - Through a Glass Darkly) has posted a couple of time about her husband and his "accidents"  That last one he hurt his hand (HERE) and then early this month she posted an accident of her own (HERE) - So I'd like to make her feel a little better by sharing that on Wednesday I got a call from my hubby saying he was back in town.  He was supposed to be up in the mountains building a deck so I was a bit suspicious about why he was back in town so soon.  His reply...I'm on my way to the ER, I was cutting some wood and it kicked back and sliced my hand open.  Here is is injury in all it's Glory or should that be...Gory!

2.  Last year for May Day my hubby bought me a small blue Hydrangea plant. I've never had much luck growing them as they usually die during the winter months.  Here is a photo of last years plant..

The plant was such a pretty blue color.  We had a super cold spell this past winter and tons of snow so I pretty much figured the plant was a goner.  Low & behold this spring I noticed a small plant next to the stake I had put near the bush and it turns out the bush survived the winter.  It doesn't have near the big bloom on it this year and this year it's.......

Purple!  -  It's still very pretty and I'm so excited that it actually survived the winter.  I hope it makes it through again come this winter (which I dread).

3.  Every year my niece calls me to let me know when the Pelicans I've posted about before (Here )  arrive near her house.  I went up the other morning to see if I could find any of them.  Sadly there were only 3 present along with a ton of seagulls but it made for a nice bird photo to share.

4.  Recently on June 9th Adam West (aka Batman - The Original) passed away.  Since he was born here in Walla Walla and attended Whitman College they are trying to get a statue of him as Batman erected here in town.  In the mean time the Marcus Whitman Hotel is shining the "Bat Light" every night to honor his memory.

5.  Just because I haven't shared a cute photo of Caramel Honeybun lately.....

Playing in the newspaper I had taken out of some boxes of stuff I was unpacking. -  She's just so adorable!

Edited to add...The other day I received an Automated Phone call from Direct TV for my mom's account (I used our number for her account since she doesn't hear that well) - The voice said,  "This is Direct TV with balance information on your account.  You have a Past Due balance of......
Zero Dollars and Zero Cents.  - What!!!! - Everyone says I should send them a check for that amount. 

Have a great weekend & thanks for stopping by.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Happy Father's Day

It's been nearly 20 years since you left this earth and yet I still miss your smile and presence in my life.

You taught me a lot dad & for that I'm forever grateful. - I know you are in a much better place now & are having a wonderful Father's Day with your Heavenly Father.  -  I miss you now & always.

Sending you earthly flowers today....enjoy the heavenly one's too.

Love always,  Your little girl.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Willy-Nilly Friday 5 - June 16, 2017


I'm back today joining Tanya (Around Roanoke) for:


Click to enlarge photos for better view.

1.  Summer continues to be super busy.  Lots of yard work being done. I spent 2 1/2 hours outside yesterday weeding, watering and planting a few more flowers.  It's a lot of hard work but they sure are pretty to look at.

2.  A few weeks ago I was in my mom's back yard looking into her planter box to see if the Mums had survived the winter.  I happened to notice something really strange inside the box and took a closer look.   Here is what I found.

Sorry the picture isn't clearer but I think you can tell that this is indeed a,
Peanut Plant.  It seems one of the squirrels dropped this peanut inside the planter and amazingly it germinated. - Mind you peanuts don't sprout from Roasted Peanuts as a rule so apparently this one didn't get fully roasted as it germinated and I'm now growing a peanut plant.  Here is what the plant looks like today:

It should be interesting to see if in the fall I pull the plant up and have peanuts.

3.  I've been participating now for my 2nd year in a Photography Group called, 52 Frames and each week you are given a prompt to photograph.  Today I'm sharing a small collage of 4 of my recent entries.

Top L - Abandoned was the theme.  That's an old tire lodged in a tree behind our house.  Top R - Geometric Shapes was the theme. - I turned one of my glass bowls upside down for that photo. Bottom L - Shadows was the theme.  That is my newest yard spinner.  That photo made the top 52 picks of the week. - Bottom R - This weeks theme: Think.  - This is the Thinking Frog statue located here in Walla Walla.

4.  Does anyone know what this is?

It looks like snow doesn't it? It's not...We have a lot of these trees in this area and every summer people all over who have allergies wish we didn't.  These are the seeds from a Cottonwood Tree.  If you click on the link you can read more about different types of these trees.
5.  Finally the other day my hubby came home and said that I need to take a drive down one of the streets in town to look at something he though I would enjoy getting pictures of and seeing.  So I went and boy was I glad I did.

This is just one of the many pictures that I took.  It happens to be a Metal Sculpture located at the Foundry Vineyards.  It was a pretty windy day and this actually moves.  I took a video of the sculpture moving (it's a bit shaky in parts) but I think you'll find it quite fascinating.

Please note that the sound goes off a few seconds into the video.  I had the radio on and a Jimi Hendrix's song was playing and apparently the video couldn't be played due to copyright laws so I had to delete the sound off the video.  (Brother!)
Also if you want to see more of Anthony Howe's work you can find it HERE:  The link will show you videos of this sculpture (Azlon) as well as several others that he has done. 

I hope you have enjoyed your visit here today.  Have a great weekend.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Little Things to be Thankful For

Welcome!  Hope everyone has been having a nice week. - It's been busy here but pleasant.

So today I'm joining Tamar (Random-osity), Michelle (It's a Small Town Life) and Gosia (Looking for Identity) for:




First up my Fence shots... (Click to enlarge photos)

 What's that behind the bars of this fence?  Why it's a......Dinosaur!

Here is a better view.  You'll notice he's decked out with Christmas lights.  These shots were taken in April of 2015 and they apparently hadn't taken off the lights yet. 

Just in case you are wondering there is a "fence" in the background of this shot.

Next up for Little Things Thursday & Thankful Thursday....

It's time for.....Strawberries!!!

Yes that's me (goofy face & all) enjoying the first strawberries from Klicker's this year. 

Don't they look lucious?

What's a girl to to but make Strawberry Shortcake.

I'm thankful we have local, fresh berries to enjoy every summer because they sure beat the ones you buy in the store!

Have a great day.

Monday, June 5, 2017

All Seasons - May Happenings


Welcome! - Wow time has really gone by quickly lately and boy am I behind in sharing what's been going on around here.

So today I'm linking up for ALL SEASONS hosted by Jesh (Art Works by Jesh St.G)

Every year here in May there is an annual event called the, Ducky Derby that is held to raise money for Child Abuse Prevention.  In recent years the Return to the River Salmon Festival is held the same day.  I've posted photos from both events before on the blog but it's always fun to show the photos from the current year so without further ado here goes...

First up some shots of the Native American Dancers at the Salmon Festival.

They were perfoming under a tent this year so it was a little difficult to get pictures. - Here the dancers are getting ready to perform.  I managed to get a shot of the drummers/singers (more like chanters) just as they were getting started with the show.

I love the colorful outfits that they wear.  This guy really has a cool looking outfit.

See how pretty and colorful their costumes are.  So many great details to them.

I loved the look on this young girls face when she finished her dance.  These Indians are all related to each other and are passing down their traditions to the younger generations.
Next up it's Ducky Derby time...

 Coleen and her friend, Helen on the bridge waiting for the start of the race. I went out to stand with them and had a bit of a scare as my car keys fell out of my pocket and landed on the grate of the bridge.  Thank goodness they did not slip through the slats of the bridge or we would have had a bit of a problem getting back home!

A shot of the photographer for the paper getting ready to shoot the start of the race.

And their off.....I believe the paper said there were around 19,000 ducks in the race this year. That's a lot of ducks.
Don't they look like they are having fun!

A shot of the Drone that flies over the race taking pictures.
A Ducky Derby that costume was hot!
Basket of ducks that were picked up after the race was over.
Once again none of my 5 ducks won any of the prizes...Oh well, there is always next year!
Hope you have enjoyed your visit.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Fences Around the World - Colorful Sidekick

Well once again I have been absent for a couple of weeks.  Life here is just so busy.  Trying to keep up with 2 yards & 2 houses (taking care of my mom) is a never ending job.  - I hate being away from the blog for long periods but it just can't be helped sometimes.

Anyway let's join Gosia (Looking for Identity) for FENCES AROUND THE WORLD

Just 1 (can you believe that?) photo today. - Click to enlarge.

Spotted on a country road while on a drive. - The fence is there but I think you can see what caught my eye.  What a bright spot of color it made.

Have a great day.