Friday, September 29, 2017

Friday Fun - September 29, 2017

Welcome Back - First I just want to thank everyone who visits my blog and leaves comments. - Sometimes I reply to your comments but sometimes I get busy and don't reply back.  Please know though that your visit & comments mean a lot to me even if I fail to acknowledge them.

Now let's get right to the FUN!


1.  Spotted in the Sky earlier this week:

Looking forward to the Balloon Stampede in October.

2. Captured a Spider in it's web the other day. - I love that the box it attached it's web to says Fragile Handle With Care.

3.  A Shot of the spray from the fountain on Whitman College Campus.  One of the shots I considered for 52 Frames water theme 2 weeks ago.

I actually ended up using this shot instead:

4.  Some Autumn leaves spotted on the trail at Rooks Park.  I thought they were pretty.

5.  A bunny spotted in Rooks Park - I was able to get pretty darn close to it before it hopped off.  So cute!

After a week of having to take one of our cats (not the one above) to the Vet again and spending 2 hours yesterday in the Dentist Chair I'm more then ready for Friday & the weekend.
A musical selection to start your weekend off.
The Statements:
Week 73: September 29, 2017
1. I am far too _________________.

2. To save money, I _______________.

3.                          matter(s).

4.                      makes me think                          .
My answers:
1.  I am far too much of a perfectionist at times.
2.  To save money,  I have to really work at it.  I love to spend it more then save it!
3. Kindess and Respect matter to me.
4.  Blogging makes me think that there is a huge world out there to share with others.
Have a great weekend.




Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Wild Bird Wednesday


Today I'm joining Stewart, (Paying Ready Attention) for WILD BIRD WEDNESDAY
Click to Enlarge Photos.

 I so seldom get to post for this meme but this past week I had a chance to view several different wild birds and get halfway decent photos of them.

First up:  Quail

 These birds just make me laugh...they are comical in the way they run as you can see in this shot.

There were bunches of these quail eating at Rooks Park and I actually got close enough to get a few photos before they all took off into the underbrush. - These birds are quick! - We think these Quail are California Quail.  They were much larger then the smaller quail we often see in this area.

Next we have: Canadian Geese

This photo isn't a super sharp shot of the geese but I liked it and as you look down Mill Creek you can see just how many geese were out and about.

Next it's my (Mystery) bird from the previous post.  Although many have stated they believe the bird to be an Osprey. - I had my camera set on BW when I happened to spot this large bird flying and didn't think to change the setting so the shot is in Black and White.

Finally as we were leaving the park we met a man going into the park with a camera.  I spoke to him about spotting this bird and he told me that there was a White Egret in the area and handed me his business card. 

We drove to the area he mentioned he had just photograghed the Egret at but didn't see it.  So instead we decided to drive a little further up the road to Bennington Lake and there we spotted the Egret!

This was as close as I could get but I think it turned out okay.

Here is a link to Mr. Davis photos of the Egret. - Thanks for letting me know about the Egret.

Hope you have enjoyed my Wild Birds.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Friday Fun - Sept. 22, 2017


Today is the "official" First Day of Autumn (Fall) here in the US.
One of my all time favorite seasons and it has been a beautiful day here.

So today I'm joining Tanya (Around Roanoke) for WILLY-NILLY FRIDAY FIVE

I went to Rooks Park today to take some pictures and I'm sharing some of the photos I took while I was there.

1.  I spotted a large bird flying in the air as I was walking through the park.  I managed to get a shot of the bird in flight but I'm saving that for another post. (I know rats....) - Anyway the bird landed in a tree and I was able to get some shots of it.

This is as close as I could get with the lens that I had on the camera.  The bird is some type of a hawk I believe. - Edited to add,  I now believe this bird is an Osprey rather than a Hawk.  Any birders out there to help with identification let me know.

  - Later on in this post you'll see another picture of this bird.

2.  A sign that Autumn is in the air...

3.  Just a pretty shot of the clouds and one of the trails in the park.

4.  A photo of some Queen Anne's lace in bloom. - What caught my eye was the tiny hint of "lavender" in the center of the bloom.  - That's a bit unusual.

5.  On the way out I noticed these little rock cairn formations.
6. Okay for my bonus photo...I caught another shot of the hawk in flight and after I uploaded it to the computer I noticed something cool in the shot. 
Be sure to enlarge the photo for better detail.
Do you see it? - The bird has a fish in it's talons!  My first ever capture of a bird with a fish. 
Also joining in on FRIENDLY FILL-INS on McGuffy's Reader.
Week 72: September 22, 2017
1. I would never be friends with someone who _______________.

2. I will never refuse ________________.

3. I have never been to                     , but                              .

4. When it comes to                            , I                              .

My answers: 
1.  I would never be friends with someone who cuts down others to make themselves appear to be better. - That really annoys me.
2.  I will never refuse a helping hand when I'm stressed out.
3.  I have never been to Hawaii, but I have been to Canada.
4.  When it come to housework, I tend to procrastinate as long as possible.
Finally for FELINE FRIDAY (being hosted on Comedy Plus)
It's Caramel Honeybun - Checking something out that caught her attention.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Adam West Day

I grew up in the 60's watching the "Original" Batman series starring,
Adam West.  Mr. West was born in Walla Walla on Sept. 19, 1928 so it was fitting that Adam West Day was held today in downtown Walla Walla.
Mr. West passed away June 9, 2017.

Joining Jesh (ArtworksfromJeshStG) for ALL SEASONS

                                          Click to Enlarge Photos:

Adam West Day banners lined Main Street

Business had various batman signs in their windows.  This one features Batman (Adam West), Robin (Burt Ward) and some of the characters from the series:  The Riddler (Frank Gorshin), The Joker (Cesar Romero), Cat Woman (Julie Newmar), and The Penguin (Burgess Meredith).

Children came out in droves many in Batman costumes like the little boy below.

Note his little sister is hiding behind him. - Don't you love how serious he looks.

A Replicas of the "Batmobile" used in the series was there for people to see as well.

Plus you could get your picture taken with Batman (not Adam West)

I managed to get Coleen to pose for a photo with Batman. 

It was a fun celebration. - Thank you Mr. West for all you did for our community and also for entertaining us all those years as the original,

Friday, September 15, 2017

Friday Fun

Welcome! - Posting today for several Memes. - Click to Enlarge Photos.


A plain board fence that caught my eye.


1.  Did some baking again recently.  This time it was Blackberry Pie Bars.
Oh so yummy!  Recipe found here on The Novice Chef.

2.  Spotted this on a recent walk

Are you in the mood for fall & Halloween Decor yet? - I'm getting there.

3.  Spotted this while out on a drive:

That's one "wild paint job!"

4.  Spotted this on another drive around town:

How cool is that! - Took a close-up and used for my 52 Frames photo for the week Unexplored.  You can see the album here:  This was the photo I used for that week:

Edited to include this shot for Orange You Glad It's Friday.

5.  I love coffee mugs of all kinds.  - I spotted an owl mug recently and had to buy it.  Then I realized that they had several different mugs so I went back and bought one for my hubby, one for my daughter, Greta & one for my granddaughter, Coleen.  They are pictured below.  See if you can figure out which one is my mug.  Make a guess....

Now if you want to know...From Left to Right - My Mug is the one on the left, then Greta's is next, Coleen's is the Red Mug and Mike's is the one on the far right.  - They make me smile!

Finally For FELINE FRIDAY - Hosted for awhile on Comedy Plus.

It's Callie-Jo taking a rest on my purse.  - By the way Callie-Jo has recovered completly from whatever ailment she had a few weeks ago.  That makes us all very happy!

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Gotcha Day - Caramel

It's Caramel Honeybun's - "Gotcha Day"!

One year ago this little sweetie joined our household.

 Here is Coleen holding her at the Adoption Event held at the Fair Grounds.

Here she is sitting on the back of the couch.

And here she is today, 1 Year later....

She's really grown hasn't she.  It's been a wonderful year with our sweet little Caramel. 

Here's to many more years to come.  - Happy "Gotchas Day" Caramel.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Fences Around the World - Morning Glory Edition

Joining Gosia (Looking for Identity) for FENCES AROUND THE WORLD

Two different fences here today featuring Morning Glory growing on them.

First up the fences that borders the property between where my daughter lives and the house next door.

 She planted some moss roses and daisies but apparently somewhere a Morning Glory seed snuck in because that's what sprouted and grew.

It's growing out of an old barrel turned on it's side. 

Next from down the alley by the school.

I love the tendrils reaching up to the sky.


I think they are both so pretty & really dress up the fences.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Awww Mondays


Today I'm joining Sandee (Comedy Plus) for AWWW MONDAYS

Spotted this while driving down the street.  Had to go back and get my camera because it was too good to pass up.

 What a fun and clever way to advertise your Yard Sale.

Had to get a shot of the red bow from the other side.

Have a great day & thanks for stopping by.