Thursday, March 31, 2016

Good Fences #106 - Panel Fence

 Welcome! - Well I think I'm just about recovered from that nasty "flu bug" - Sadly my mom is down sick with it and at her age I hate to see her get sick like that. (Prayers for her recovery would be appreciated.)

So let's join in on the fun of GOOD FENCES hosted by Theresa from,
The Run-a-round Ranch Report.  It's a super fun meme and I know you'll enjoy seeing all the great fence finds.

I've driven past this fence several times and thought to myself that I ought to go take some pictures of it to share but somehow I just never got around to it.  Then yesterday as the sun was shining and I felt somewhat better I decided to hop in the car and go take those photos. 


At first I just thought the fence was all the different staggered panels but if you look closely you'll see that behind then there is a shorter set of fencing.  You can see it best by the brown shrub in this photo.
It covers quite a bit of property.  The next shot shows more of the fence line and the pretty pink tree in the next door neighbors yard.

The panels look dark green in this shot but they are actually black.

Through the panels I spotted a pretty Lenten Rose blooming.  This photos doesn't really show how pretty it was but for some reason I felt like I was being "watched" and I didn't want to get closer for a clearer view. 

Here you can see the same plant but I also realized they had a little creek running through their property and I wanted to share that as well.

Lastly I captured the nice gate they have as well.

I hope you have enjoyed this unusual panel fence.  I'm glad I finally decided to take some pictures of it.
Don't forget to check out all the other Good Fences. - Have a great day.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Season's - Time for Planting

Welcome! - You may have noticed I've been absent from my blog for a few days(explanation to follow) but I'm back today.

It's time to join Jeanette (St Germain's) for SEASONS

Okay as I mentioned I've been gone a few days from the blog due to the fact that it's...
Flu Season and yep, I caught the bug.  Last week Coleen had it on Thursday and Friday.  Then hubby, daughter and son-in-law all came down with it on Easter Sunday.  I waited until late Monday night for my turn.  It's not been a fun few days but I'm feeling better today and hope to get caught up again on visiting blogs.

Now to something better:

It's the season to get out and plant things.  I captured this field of new wheat growing last week before the bug hit everyone.  Isn't that green pretty.  Soon I'll be out planting in my flower beds and enjoying lovely flowers (after I get them weeded).  I hope we all remember that we can plant seeds of happiness, hope, success and love.

Have a beautiful day.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Good Fences #105 - Holy Fence

Hello & Welcome!

Let's join Theresa (The Run-a-round Ranch Report) for,

Just down the street from us there is a church that has a rather unique fence/gate on the side of the building. With this being Easter Weekend  I thought it would be fitting to share this fence today.

Now a close-up of the side portion.

Finally the little gate:

Blessings to all. - Thanks for stopping by.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

52 Frames - Chair Prompt

Here is the LINK to my 52 Frames for the prompt: Chair.  Please visit and comment.

"Worn and Beautiful"
When I saw this prompt I knew exactly what I want to do for it. There is an old wicker type rocking chair that has been sitting in an alley against some people's fence for over a year. I decided to get my granddaughter to be my model and take the chair out into the alley for a photo shoot. Along the way we picked some flowers and decided they would look great in... the photo as well.

Below are 2 more photos of the chair I took.  I hope you'll visit the above link to see what I picked as my final choice for the prompt.

This chair sits up against someone's fence that borders an alley in our neighborhood.

This next one is my model (Coleen) sitting in the chair in the alley.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Willy Nilly Friday Five

Hooray for Friday!

Let's join Tanya (Around Roanoke) for WILLY-NILLY FRIDAY FIVE.

1.  Last weekend was the annual WWCC College Rodeo.  They always hold a Cowboy Breakfast and do a kids rodeo where the kids can rope (fake) cows, ride a (fake) bull, ride around on a horse etc...  I always take Coleen to this event and for the last few years she has had her picture taken with the Fair Court.  This is this years photo from this event.

2.  It was a rainy weekend last week.  -  Sunday we had a major downpour.  We have this dip in our driveway that fills up with water when it rains really hard.  I stepped out the back door and snapped this shot of what we joking refer to as, "The Krause Lake" during this storm.

Isn't it cool.  There are concentric circles, bubbles & little rain tubes in this shot.

3. Of course it hasn't been all bad weather this spring and we are enjoying lots of lovely spring trees.  This one is in a nearby neighbors yard.  I love this tree and take photos of the blooms almost every spring.

4.  It's not often that I get to take a decent picture of our dog, Cricket so when I do get one I like to share it.  I was outside the other day and she was sitting so nicely that I just had to take her picture.

While I was taking her picture I also spotted a cute little squirrel in the next door neighbors tree and so I'm going to share that photo too.

5.  Finally I've been having a few (down) moments lately which I'm sure from time to time everyone has.  I had snapped a photo of our cat, Snickers the other day and was looking for an appropriate quote to go with it.

I'm celebrating a big birthday this weekend on Sunday and feeling like I'm getting old.

Have a good weekend everyone!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Good Fences #104 - Mill Creek Flood Control Channel Fences

HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!   -  Had to throw in some "green" here today just for fun.

Now it's time to join Theresa for GOOD FENCES

Coleen and I took a walk over around Whitman College recently and we spotted a bunch of different fences a long the way.  Today I am sharing the ones we saw along the Mill Creek flood control channel.

Here you can see the channel and there are plenty of fences from the homes that are built by the channel.

 More fences and the spillway into the channel.

After we got to the college we crossed over a little bridge that goes over the channel.  We spotted this sign on the chain link fencing that borders a walking trail on the college campus.

Be sure to enlarge so you can read the signs.  This is actually an "art" piece.  We found this plaque nearby stating the artists and the name of the piece.
While I was standing on the bridge which had chain link fencing on it I spotted something written on the bridge.  I wasn't able to completely focus on the words but the message is clear.
Apparently someone died (I'm not sure if they jumped off the bridge into the channel or what) but someone wanted to make sure they were remembered.)

We walked back over the little bridge and took the walking trail back to the college campus.

Coleen spotted this next fence on the way and pointed it out to me.

Huh?   Makes you wonder doesn't it. 

One last view of their (odd) fence decor as we concluded this tour of the Flood Channel fences.

Don't forget to stop in at The Run-a-Round Ranch Report and check out all the other Good Fences. 

Have a great day!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Seasons and 52 Frames

Hello & Welcome.

Today I am sharing in the SEASONS meme hosted over at St Germain's blog.

Following that I'll be sharing my photo I submitted last week for the 52 Frames theme:
Rule of Thirds.

What a gorgeous season Spring is.  I love this time of year.  I decided to do a collage of blooming trees and shrubs.  I even captured a bee in one shot (white flowers in right hand center).

Here is the photo I submitted for the Rule of Thirds challenge:

          This is our kitty, Bandit enjoy a "season of sleep" - He's such a sweet cat.

It's been a super busy week here so I have not had time to visit many blogs.  I will try to catch up through the week.  Thank you all for your visits and comments.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Good Fences #103 - A Charming Fence for the birds

Hello and Welcome.

It's time for GOOD FENCES hosted by Theresa from,
The Run-a-round Ranch Report.

Sometimes while I'm out walking I happen upon little things that make me smile.

Initially I was photographing the fence/gate as the newness of the fence and that black handle caught my eye.  In this shot you will notice several different fences. I counted at least 5 in this shot.

 I also happened to see that adorable bird feeder hanging on the fence post and I had to snap a picture of it.  I liked the color and the design of the feeder and more important is that it has something else that fits today's post....

Can you see it now...It has a fence of it's own.  How cute is that!

Don't forget to stop in and visit the other participants and see their Good Fences.

Have a wonderful day.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

52 Frames - Kiss

Just popping in with the link to my 52 Frames photo for this weeks theme:  Kiss

Please take a look and leave me a comment if you'd like.  Tell me what you like about the photo or what you think needs improving. 

Edited to add the photos.

Be sure to check out the album.  It's pretty cool and a super great project to join in on the fun with.

Here is the colored version. - Which do you think I should have went with?

Friday, March 4, 2016

Willy Nilly Friday Five - March 4, 2016


It's Friday and time to join Tanya (Around Roanoke) for some

1.  I'm out taking a walk the other day and as I walked past the steps to a church I happened to notice this copper kettle sitting on the stoop below the stairs.  I just thought it was really an odd place for the kettle to be sitting so I snapped a photo of it (just because).  It made me think of Soup Kitchens for some reason.  If you click on the link you can read about the history of soup kitchens.  It's quite interesting especially since Al Capone even set up a soup kitchen.

2.  Huh? - Coleen and I spotted this graffiti on our walk yesterday.  Does anyone have a clue what kind of a statement they were trying to make?

For some fun check out this link (Art Crimes:City Walls) which will take you to various links for Graffiti around the world.

3.  I took another walk around the Whitman College campus the other day and happened upon another sculpture that I was not familiar with.  I snapped this photo of it.  It's called "Moongate" and you can read more about it by clicking on the link.

They certainly have some interesting pieces of art on the campus.

4. We've had some really nice days lately with temps in the mid-60's.  The sun was shining through the kitchen window the other day and I happened to snap this cute shot of our cat, Bandit enjoying the sunshine.

So for fun I decided to do a little editing and share with FELINE ART FRIDAY
Here is the edited version:
5.  Finally since spring is just around the corner (16 more days) I thought I'd share a fun little Fairy that Coleen and I spotted hanging from a tree while on one of our walks.
Have a beautiful day!  Thanks for stopping by.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Good Fences #102 - Fancy Iron Gate

Welcome! - It's time for some GOOD FENCES.

This awesome meme is hosted by Theresa from,
(The Run-a-round Ranch Report).

Today I am featuring a fence/gate that I have walked by numerous times on one of my regular walking routes.

This first photo was taken way back in October of 2014 at 3:00 in the afternoon.

I listed the date/time because the color of this fence is rather deceiving.  It's looks almost white in this photo but as you'll see in the next photo's it's actually is more gray toned.

Here is a shot that makes the gate look gray.  - This one was taken in September of 2015 as are all the remaining photos.    Perhaps the shade of the trees cast a darker shadow on the gate panel causing it to look more grayish toned.

Most of the time the gates are never closed as you can see from this shot.  I just love the fancy iron work here and even though some of the paint is pealing off I think that adds to the charm of the gate.

Here the gate to the driveway is all the way open and I shot this from the sidewalk where you can see the white wall pillars and the lamps on top.

Finally a shot of the gate across the driveway.  It's old and a bit rusty in spots but overall I really like this gate.

Have a super great day.  Thanks for stopping by.