Since I had made a card for her to celebrate her first day of school and made the shoes sparkly pink I had to get her picture wearing them. This is a picture of Coleen and her teacher, Ms. Jacky taken after we got to school. I should have had my camera on a different setting but at least it's a picture of her and her teacher.
She only went 1/2 day today (8:00-12:00) and then has tomorrow off. She'll go back on Monday or a full day (8:00-2:40) and then off on Tuesday. Back on Wednesday and Thursday. Off for the local Fair on Friday and Monday for Labor Day. Then it's back to the regular Full day schedule. This is done to acclimate the Kindergartners into school so they aren't overwhelmed.
So far she is loving school. We'll see how long that lasts. It's all really new and exciting for her right now but there are days when I'm sure that's she'll be a bit bored or just not want to go but hopefully that won't be to often.