Welcome: If you are here for either Good Fences or Little Things Thursday click on the highlighted link to be taken to that post.

Today's post is for WILLY-NILLY FRIDAY FIVE
1. About 2 weeks ago we made another trip down to McNary Dam to see the Salmon as the "fall run" was going on. We saw quite a few in the fish viewing room but it was hard to get photos of them. On the way home we stopped at a road side information sign and I took a few pictures there.
This is the sign that tells about the history of the area.
Across the river (The Columbia) on a barren hill you can see a Vineyard.
2. We had rain recently and I went out and snapped a few "raindrops on roses" shots. - Soon the roses will be finished blooming as the days are getting cooler.
3. Along with the Orb Weaver spider I've mentioned before and shared last week we discovered a large garden spider in my flower bed. Coleen and I have been enjoying watching both spiders as they've spun webs and captured bugs to eat in them. Here is the Garden Spider with last night's supper.
4. Coleen decided to play Volleyball this year. It's been fun going to her games and watching her play. I did a little collage of some of the shots I've taken at her games.
If you enlarge the collage above you will notice in the first shot how she is chewing on her lip. She does that a lot during the games. In the middle photo she is waiting to hit the ball as it comes over the net and at the right she is serving. One of the things she does best.
5. Finally because I haven't posted a recent photo of our newest kitten, (Caramel Honeybun) I thought I would share this sweet photo of her.
She is growing so quickly and is such a little character. Life is always fun when you have cats & kittens around. Never a dull moment for sure.
Hope you have enjoyed the Random 5 this week. Don't forget to stop in and check out the other participants. Have a great weekend.