Sharing today my first submission for 52 Frames.
This weeks theme was patterns. Here is the photo I submitted:
Just so you know what this is. It's actually shadows from slats in the back of a wooden bench on the seat of the bench.
Here is a link to the Album that shows all the submissions. I hope to learn a lot from participating in this group.
If your are here to see CARDS please visit my "Crafting Blog"
This blog is a "Political" free blog - I will not post any political opinions here as I believe that everyone should be entitled to their own opinion and not be put down for their beliefs or subjected to others personal political beliefs.
Monday, February 29, 2016
Friday, February 26, 2016
In Memory of EG Camera Girl
The blogging world lost a wonderful friend this week in a tragic car accident. Tina, ( EG Camera Girl) and her husband, Tom were both killed in this accident.
While I did not know Tina personally having never met her I did know her through her wonderful blog and her visits to my blog. She will be greatly missed.
Thank you Tina for all the wonderful memories you created through your blog. Thank you for always taking the time to visit my blog and to show that you cared about others. You were a wonderful photographer.
Rest in Peace my friend.
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Good Fences #101 - Intertwined
Hello & Welcome!
It's time for GOOD FENCES hosted by Theresa from,
The Run-a-round Ranch Report.
Last week I featured a Wrought Iron fence with little curlicues on it. You can find that fence HERE if you missed seeing it. The reason I mention this fence is that someone mentioned in the comments that perhaps they would let vines grow on it. I replied back saying I didn't think so but that the house next door did indeed have some vines growing through their fence and that I would feature it today.
So here is the house next door: Click to Enlarge Photos.
I don't know what type of vines these are and they were only on sections of the fence, not the entire fence. - This fence isn't quite as fancy as the one with the curlicues but it's still really nice.
I liked the way the vines were draped over the fencing in this shot.
More vines and a closer look at them....
As I started to turn the corner I thought this view of the fence and the way it curved around their yard was really nice. There were no more vines on the fence at this point though.
Finally I thought it might be neat to actually show you the house this fence surrounds.
It's time for GOOD FENCES hosted by Theresa from,
The Run-a-round Ranch Report.
Last week I featured a Wrought Iron fence with little curlicues on it. You can find that fence HERE if you missed seeing it. The reason I mention this fence is that someone mentioned in the comments that perhaps they would let vines grow on it. I replied back saying I didn't think so but that the house next door did indeed have some vines growing through their fence and that I would feature it today.
So here is the house next door: Click to Enlarge Photos.
I don't know what type of vines these are and they were only on sections of the fence, not the entire fence. - This fence isn't quite as fancy as the one with the curlicues but it's still really nice.
I liked the way the vines were draped over the fencing in this shot.
More vines and a closer look at them....
As I started to turn the corner I thought this view of the fence and the way it curved around their yard was really nice. There were no more vines on the fence at this point though.
Finally I thought it might be neat to actually show you the house this fence surrounds.
The homes in this neighborhood are quite nice and fairly new. I like the brickwork on the chimney of this one.
I hope you have enjoyed today's fence selection. Don't forget to check out the other participants fences. You won't be disappointed.
Have a great day.
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Seasons and Treasures
Welcome! - Today I'll be participating in 2 Memes:
TUESDAY'S TREASURES hosted by Tom (The Backroads Traveller) and a brand new meme:
SEASONS hosted by Jesh (St. Germains Blog). - I hope you will check them both out.
First up for my Tuesday's Treasures shot:
I spotted these lamps on the side of a building in Weston, OR and just had to stop and take a picture of them. I don't think they work anymore but in their time I'm sure they were a real "treasure" of beauty. Even now they still look pretty cool.
Now here is my entry for the Seasons meme:
Yesterday I took a very long walk and on the way home I spotted this tree starting to bud and bloom. I had to take a picture...spring is just around the corner.
May you enjoy all the "treasures" and "seasons" in your life. - Have a great day.
TUESDAY'S TREASURES hosted by Tom (The Backroads Traveller) and a brand new meme:
SEASONS hosted by Jesh (St. Germains Blog). - I hope you will check them both out.
First up for my Tuesday's Treasures shot:
I spotted these lamps on the side of a building in Weston, OR and just had to stop and take a picture of them. I don't think they work anymore but in their time I'm sure they were a real "treasure" of beauty. Even now they still look pretty cool.
Now here is my entry for the Seasons meme:
Yesterday I took a very long walk and on the way home I spotted this tree starting to bud and bloom. I had to take a picture...spring is just around the corner.
May you enjoy all the "treasures" and "seasons" in your life. - Have a great day.
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Saturday's Critters - February 20, 2016
Hello & Welcome.
I'm joining Eileen (Viewing Nature with Eileen) today for SATURDAY'S CRITTERS.
Yesterday in my Willy-Nilly Friday Five post I featured a photo of some deer we saw while out and about the other day. Today I thought I would share a few more of those photos.
This is one of the first one's we spotted as we pulled over to take some photos. I've cropped this photo to get a closer view of the deer.
This photo shows how far away they were. I did not have the "zoom" on the lens in this shot. - As you can see in the background there is a house beyond all that brush.
When we first spotted the deer we could only see 2 but then they were joined by others.
Here they are looking towards the others across the field. You can see the white on the underside of their them the name: White-Tail Deer.
Another view of some of the small herd that gathered in the field.
Finally a review of yesterday's photo with 8 deer although I think we did count 9 by the time we left.
I always enjoy seeing deer in the wild. This particular area is surrounded by homes and a church is on the other side of the field to the left and across the road is a skate-board park and a soccer field. The deer don't seem to mind the traffic driving by at all.
I hope you've enjoyed seeing my "critters" today. Have a wonderful day.
I'm joining Eileen (Viewing Nature with Eileen) today for SATURDAY'S CRITTERS.
Yesterday in my Willy-Nilly Friday Five post I featured a photo of some deer we saw while out and about the other day. Today I thought I would share a few more of those photos.
This is one of the first one's we spotted as we pulled over to take some photos. I've cropped this photo to get a closer view of the deer.
This photo shows how far away they were. I did not have the "zoom" on the lens in this shot. - As you can see in the background there is a house beyond all that brush.
When we first spotted the deer we could only see 2 but then they were joined by others.
Now there are four.
Across the field those four will soon be joined by these 2.Here they are looking towards the others across the field. You can see the white on the underside of their them the name: White-Tail Deer.
Let's make that 3 as another one emerged out of the bushes to join them and off they went to join the others.
In this shot there are now 7 deer.Finally a review of yesterday's photo with 8 deer although I think we did count 9 by the time we left.
I hope you've enjoyed seeing my "critters" today. Have a wonderful day.
Friday, February 19, 2016
Willy Nilly Friday 5 & Fun Friday Favorites, February 19, 2016
1. Don't they look peaceful and sweet. The one on the left is Miss Dottie and she is nearly 16 years old. The one on the right is Harley. He'll turn 8 in late April.
Well last Thursday evening they were anything but peaceful and sweet. I was watching television when all of a sudden the female ran into the living room followed by the male who then proceed to viciously attack her. I tried to get him off of her and he bit my arm and then cornered her and begin attacking her again. I yelled for my granddaughter upstairs to come help and she also got bit by Harley but I was able to grab Dottie up and get her away from him. We ended up having to keep them separated for 2 full days from each other. What caused this strange bizarre behavior? Well it's called, Redirected Feline Agression. You can read about it HERE:
Let me tell you it's pretty scary when it happens. Thankfully after a couple of days they settled back into their normal sweet selves again.
2. I went out to look for a few signs of spring the other day and spotted several of these Water Stridders (we call them water skippers) in the little stream just a few houses away from where we live. Wikipedia has a lot of information on them that is quite interesting.
3. Coleen and I drove out past the area where we spotted the deer last year and low and behold there were a couple in a field. We stopped to watch them and before long those two were joined by others. These are White-Tail deer. You can read more about them HERE:
This is one of the last shots I took of them before we left. There are 8 deer in this photo. Note the one on the far right....(taking a dump). Just for fun here is my favorite Far Side Cartoon....
4. On my walk the other day looking for fences I spotted this sweet scene:
A pair of Mallard Ducks in some shrubbery. Another sign spring is on the way as I've seen several pairs of ducks or 2 males & a female together already this month. These two were across the street from out local park which is home to lots of ducks and other birds. Apparently you can find a political cartoon: Mallard Fillmore which features a mallard duck. Is nothing sacred anymore!
5. I spotted this fun little figurine while out on my walk as well.
I'm not sure what the purpose of the two stacked rocks on it's back is but it made for a fun photo subject. If you like goats here are a few blogs you can visit to enjoy goat antics and such.
1. Green Eggs & Goats
2. Eden Hills
3. Baby Goats and Friends
Well that's it for this week. I hope you've enjoyed your visit. Have a great weekend.
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Good Fences #100 Curlicue Cute
It's time for some GOOD FENCES hosted by Theresa,
(The Run-a-round Ranch Report). Can you believe it's #100 already! How cool is that.
For today's fence I'm featuring a fence I found while out on a walk last week during one of the nicer days we had - It wasn't raining!
This fence had a really fun feature to it....See Dictionary Definition below:
It's time for some GOOD FENCES hosted by Theresa,
(The Run-a-round Ranch Report). Can you believe it's #100 already! How cool is that.
For today's fence I'm featuring a fence I found while out on a walk last week during one of the nicer days we had - It wasn't raining!
This fence had a really fun feature to it....See Dictionary Definition below:
noun: curlicue; plural noun: curlicues; noun: curlycue; plural noun: curlycues; noun: curly-cue; plural noun: curly-cues
- a decorative curl or twist in calligraphy or in the design of an object.
This fence had lots of those curlicue's.
Here is a look at more of the fence...
Can you see that bench way over on the other side with some grass growing behind it? - At the end you'll see a better view of that grass.
This view features some of the curlicues and you can see a darker fence (the neighbors on the other side of the fence) in the background.
Here is a close-up view of one of the curlicue's.
Finally the grass from the neighbors yard featured in the 2nd shot.
You can still see this fence in the background.
I thought those curlicue's were really cute. - I hope you've enjoyed this lovely wrought iron fence. Don't forget to check out the other great fences.
Have a wonderful day.
Decorative Grass,
Good Fences,
Wrought Iron.
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Tuesday Treasures
I've been hoping to join in with Tom (The Backroads Traveller) for his new meme: Tuesday's Treasures for a few weeks now but just haven't managed until today.
I just have one photo today and I'm not sure what year or make this Van is but it does seem to be fairly old and I'm sure it's a "treasure" to whoever it belongs to. Plus I think it's pretty cool looking myself. I spotted it while out walking one afternoon and just had to take a picture of it.
Please check out the other "treasures" by visiting Tom's blog and clicking on the participants entries. - Have a great day!
I just have one photo today and I'm not sure what year or make this Van is but it does seem to be fairly old and I'm sure it's a "treasure" to whoever it belongs to. Plus I think it's pretty cool looking myself. I spotted it while out walking one afternoon and just had to take a picture of it.
Please check out the other "treasures" by visiting Tom's blog and clicking on the participants entries. - Have a great day!
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Good Fences #99 - Soccer Match

Welcome everyone. - It's time for GOOD FENCES
hosted by Theresa from The Run-a-round Ranch Report.
Today I'm sharing some fence shots taken last summer.
My great Nephew Andrew plays soccer and I went to watch one of his matches.
In this shot you see him and his mother, my niece (Shelby). I'm not sure what Andrew was looking at but there is a nice tall chain link fence in this shot.
Here you can see him in action during the game.
Now in this next shot you'll see some of his team mates playing and if you look closely you'll see they have an audience watching the game.
I cropped this next shot so you can see the audience a little better....
It would appear that even doves enjoy a good soccer match!
Oh and let's not forget that there were some other animals watching the game too......
From across the field a doe and her 2 fawns took in the action as well.
Have a great day & don't forget to check out the other great fences.
Thursday, February 4, 2016
Good Fences #98 - Corgi's and Calico's
Hi! Hope you've all been having a good week.
I wonder how good that security system works.
We looked around for a bit and then as we were walking back to our car I happened to notice that the Corgi had been joined by company......
It's time for some GOOD FENCES hosted by Theresa from The Run-a-round Ranch Report.
Click to Enlarge Photos.
While out looking for some fences one day last year Coleen & I spotted this sight dog by a fence and we just had to take a photo to share.
In the next shot I just cropped the above photo so you could see the dog and the sign a little better.
I wonder how good that security system works.
We looked around for a bit and then as we were walking back to our car I happened to notice that the Corgi had been joined by company......
Isn't that sweet little Calico cat just adorable. They really looked cute together there by that gate/fence.
Don't forget to stop in and check out all the other Good Fences. Have a wonderful day.
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