Now let's get right to the FUN!

1. Spotted in the Sky earlier this week:
Looking forward to the Balloon Stampede in October.
2. Captured a Spider in it's web the other day. - I love that the box it attached it's web to says Fragile Handle With Care.
3. A Shot of the spray from the fountain on Whitman College Campus. One of the shots I considered for 52 Frames water theme 2 weeks ago.
I actually ended up using this shot instead:
4. Some Autumn leaves spotted on the trail at Rooks Park. I thought they were pretty.
5. A bunny spotted in Rooks Park - I was able to get pretty darn close to it before it hopped off. So cute!
After a week of having to take one of our cats (not the one above) to the Vet again and spending 2 hours yesterday in the Dentist Chair I'm more then ready for Friday & the weekend.
A musical selection to start your weekend off.
The Statements:
Week 73: September 29, 2017
1. I am far too _________________.
1. I am far too _________________.
2. To save money, I _______________.
3. matter(s).
4. makes me think .
My answers:
1. I am far too much of a perfectionist at times.
2. To save money, I have to really work at it. I love to spend it more then save it!
3. Kindess and Respect matter to me.
4. Blogging makes me think that there is a huge world out there to share with others.
Have a great weekend.