Wow can you believe it almost June already! - It's been a "different" spring here this year. Not much for sunshine (insert sad face) and plenty of rain (another sad face) but all in all it hasn't been that bad. I just long for a little more sunshine. Still the flowers have managed to bloom and grow quite nicely. This was my mom's Lilac tree in bloom in late April, early May. Isn't it gorgeous.
My Azalea's were divine this year. This is my orange one and right next to it is a yellow one (equally as bright). I think they are just breathtaking when they bloom.
The Roses are just starting to bloom now and look fabulous. This one is called,
"Scentimental" and it does have a wonderful fragrance.
Every May for the last 36 years we've had an annual Hot Air Balloon Stampede here in Walla Walla. In recent years they started holding the event Mother's Day weekend so there's always a lot going on in town that week. The balloons are launched from different areas the first day and some of them float right over our houses. Here is a picture of one that I caught right between my mom's house and her next door neighbor on the other side (we live next door as well but across the driveway).
What Mother's Day would be complete without a photo with MOM! - My mom hates having her picture taken so this one is a keeper as we actually got her to laugh. (Notice kitty in window...that's our cat, Dottie).
Hubby celebrated a birthday (56) this month as well. Here he is opening a present from Coleen...don't you love the look on her face as she's waiting for him to open the present.
Here is Coleen learning to make, Meatloaf! She really enjoyed mixing up that gooey mixture. Even funnier is when she told everyone that she made the meatloaf all by herself!

My Mother-in-law came down and spent 2 weeks with us this month (I told you it's been a busy month) and this is a photo taken just before she left on Sunday. Poor Coleen was heart broken that Great-Grandma was going home so she was crying and this is the best photo I could get of her.

Finishing off we had our first Strawberry Shortcake of the year last night with strawberries picked from my very own strawberry patch! Our cat Snickers wanted to check them out before I cut them up. Don't they look delicious!
Well that's it for this installment of the Krause House...till next time. Have a safe and Happy Memorial Day weekend.
Thanks for dropping by.