My gosh this week has flown by. But it's been good.

So what's up for today? Let's see how about some
Willy Nilly Friday 5
hosted by Tanya (Around Roanoke....A Daily Photo Blog)
Throw in
Feline Friday hosted by Steve (The Burnt Food Dude) and add in some
Fill-In Fun hosted by Hilary (Feeling Beachie)
1. It's been a good week. I've actually had fun just relaxing and blogging this week.
Here Captain Cuddles has found his special place to relax. Mine has been taking photos, editing, blogging and just enjoying life this week.
2. Last Friday we had a Thunderstorm (with hail). Coleen wanted to go outside and stand out in the rain and hail. Grandpa told her to hold a pan over her head. Doesn't she look like she's having fun. Children find joy even in the midst of storms. I find joy in watching her.
3. Wednesday our local Fair kicked off with the concert. It featured the Marshall Tucker Band as the opening act and then the featured act was,
Charlie Daniels! I'm not a huge fan of country music but this was more country/rock so I enjoyed myself. I took tons of pictures (some turned out, some did not) but this is one of my favorites. You really can't see the band that well but I liked it because of the people in the crowd with their phones out snapping away.
4. The 4 O'Clocks finally bloomed. My mom grew these from seeds this year and then planted them all in a little clump next to her storage shed. We've been waiting all summer long for them to bloom.
5. Crows make me smile. Some people find them to be a nuisance but I enjoy their antics and they enjoy the peanuts I leave out for them every morning. Earlier this summer there was some guy that pulled up in a truck and was actually shooting a pellet gun at them aiming right towards out house. I was so shocked that I didn't get his license plate number but we realized he lives just down the street from us so if it ever happens again you can bet you bottom dollar (does anyone use that expression any more?) that I'll turn him in.
The statements:
- Living in_____ makes me______
- Wondering what will happen always makes me ___________
- Looking back I would have ______
- Listening to_____ makes me feel_____
My answers:
1. Living in my hometown makes me very happy. I grew up here and have never considered living anywhere else.
2. Wondering what will happen always makes me a major worrier. I try not to worry but I think it's in my blood.
3. Looking back I would have finished college and got my teaching degree.
Instead I bought a car and had to find a job to pay for it. From there life went on and I never went back to college.
4. Listening to Music makes me feel Joyous, Relaxed, Calm.
That's it for me today. I hope you've enjoyed your stay. Have a fabulous weekend.