Last Friday I participated in the Grow Your Blog event and missed doing R5F. If you visited my Grow Your Blog post you may have read about my spotting a hawk on our back fence and not having my camera with me at the time. I was so excited about seeing it and yet bummed that I didn't have my camera with me. See Random Thought #1
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1. Life is Good and sometimes we do get 2nd chances. Wait for it.....
Same photo - Cropped for a closer view. - I was just getting ready to head out for my Allergy shot and thought that I'd just take my camera along for the heck of it. - As I stepped out our back door and looked up I spotted the hawk sitting pretty as you please on our back fence. I immediately told Coleen to stand still and started snapping away. I managed to get a couple of really good photos before it flew off. - Huge Smile on my face!!!
(Bonus shot of the hawk diving off the fence at the end of this post.)
Can you identify this hawk. I've narrowed it down to either a Cooper's Hawk or Sharp Shinned Hawk (it looks the most like that one from pictures on the Internet).
2. Life brings the unexpected....
Snow flurries...and I was going to take the dog for a walk this morning.
Edited to add - After posting we did indeed go for a shorter but very snowy walk. - Call me crazy but it was kinda fun!
3. Life is Ironic...I was sitting here typing up my post and the TV was on to one of Coleen's kid shows. What were they talking about....How To Build A Snow Man!
4. Life is Fun because when your plans get changed you can do something else like take pictures of the neighbors cat trying to catch snowflakes.
Fred was fascinated by the snowflakes falling all around him.
5. Life is Frustrating...While taking said pictures of Fred trying to catch snowflakes I forgot to close the front door tightly and 2 of our cats, Harley and Captain Cuddles escaped. I got Harley back inside quickly but Cuddles ran underneath our house and it took a good 20 minutes of trying everything I could think of, (singing badly, whistling, coaxing with food, trying string, a laser toy etc...) all while trying to keep Ghost (Fred's brother) from trying to crawl under the house to pick a fight with Cuddles. I finally locked Ghost in our shed and then started mewing like a hurt kitten, that did the trick and I got our cat inside.
Yep, Life is interesting for sure!
The 2 escapees before Cuddle ran under the house.
Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend.
Bonus thought & photo. Since it's Super Bowl weekend and the Seattle Seahawks from my home state our playing in the big game I want to give them a shout out: GO SEA HAWKS!!!
Oh and here is the real Hawk diving off the fence. (Sorry it wasn't the best shot but that thing was fast.)