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Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Oh The Joy

Or maybe not....
Walked into the bathroom today and saw this....

Went to get the camera and was followed in by this....

Most likely the "guilty" party.

Have a great day.  Mine is off to a good start!

Linking to:  Awww Mondays


  1. Ha ha!!:=) A fun way to start the day!:)

  2. A guilty party who probably had something to say through their actions. Or was just looking for some fun. Hope the rest of your day is incident free.

  3. so sorry, but I am laughing my head off, been there done that but not with a cat, ours was dog related but looked the same.... Max also ate a hole in the bathroom door. that face peeking around the door jam has made my day....

  4. Awww, it's what they do. They can't help it.

    I linked this post to Awww Mondays.

    Have a purrfect day. ☺

  5. Too funny. Kitty does have that guilty face. lol

  6. LOL Looks guilty!

  7. I love your cat what a tricky creature

  8. One of cat's favorite things to do is shred Toilet paper. I have one that used to do it all the time. That silly cat did a good job.

  9. LOLI can laugh since this isn't my bathroom with my shredded toilet paper

  10. That brings back memories for me. My dog Sammy used to do that.

  11. No doubt your kitty had done its job and was trying to clean up for you.

  12. MOL! Somekitty bunny kicked that TP to shreds! Bet that was lots of fun! :)

  13. I have been there, but never taken photos. When Puss was little we would come and find the whole roll unrolled and laying in a pile. Now if she does anything, she tears it up!

  14. There are so many worse things we could have to clean up, but it's always so annoying to find this particular mess!

  15. Oh dear - he does look guilty!

  16. Oh, this is too funny! Hard to be angry at that cute little face, though! xx K

  17. We have a dog that loves tissue, too, and boy can he make a mess, LOL.

  18. Hahahahahaha! This is a hilarious treat for me, but maybe not so funny for you. Bet you kinda got a giggle out of it, though, didn't you? Tee hee hee hee hee!

  19. Bad kitty! Sweet kitty.
    Have a great rest of the week Ida,

  20. oh my! LOL probably something every kitty owner has come upon a time or two! ha ha LOL Glad you stopped in, and yes, isn't it neat and mysterious how kittie's eyes do glow at night? I love cats and I love dogs too! Hope you've had a nice week! Mercy, it's HOT HERE......stay inside all day and venture out in the evenings is all

  21. OH! That guilty face is just precious! Glad you were able to get your camera, and capture that priceless look! So funny to see, but not so much fun to clean up, but I guess it could always be worse! Hope your day continued to be a good one :)

  22. That is the face of guilt! I like it!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Grindelwald, Switzerland

  23. LOL..cute kitty. I've never had a cat do that...yet

  24. Love that pretty face! We had a cat that used to do that all the time. Somebody told us to the turn the roll around so it unrolls to the back. We did it, and after a couple of futile attempts, it never tried again.

  25. Hi Ida and thanks for your recent visit and comment on our Frog & Penguinn blog, which gave me the chance to find and visit yours! This was a great photo story in 2 photos. Please feel free to stop on anytime and I will do the same.

  26. Hahaha ! That's a crime which hasn't happened here yet !

  27. HAHAHAHA!! That's Allie's specialty!

    Sorry we are so late with this but thank you for your comforting words on the loss of our sweet Ellie. We are heartbroken.

    The Florida Furkids

  28. He is saying "What ya gonna do about it!"? ha

  29. How funny! Your kitty looks really shifty in that last photo 😼


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