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Saturday, February 27, 2021

Caturday Art - 2 27 21

Caturday Art
 Joining in today for Caturday Art
Took a photo of our cat, Captain Cuddles last week and thought it would look cool with an art effect.  So I went to BeFunky and discovered that they had a new bunch of artsy effects you could try.  I picked out one that I liked and here is my result.  The original photo of Cuddles is first and then my artsy version.
I used the new (Mosaic) effect for my artsy version.

I rather like how it turned out.  He's such a sweet cat.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

New Family Member

 Today I have the great pleasure to introduce you to our newest family member.

After several weeks of searching we finally found our little puppy.
There were a couple of others that we came close to adopting but somebody always beat us to them.

Yesterday I happened to check the Humane Societies website again and found this little guy up for adoption so I called and got an appointment set up to meet him last night.

He and his sibling sister were found as strays about 2 months ago.  At that time they were very malnourished and almost hairless.  The people at BMHS don't really know much about what breed of dog he is other then they think he might have some chihuahua in him.
His hair has grown back for the most part but he does have a few bare spots still and one of his eyes appears to be slightly smaller then the other one.
He's very sweet though and gets along with our Pug, Cricket and he's really a cuddly fellow.  So without further ado let me introduce you to:
Darby Joe Krause - He's 2 months old currently.

 We look forward to many adventures together.