

If your are here to see CARDS please visit my "Crafting Blog"

This blog is a "Political" free blog - I will not post any political opinions here as I believe that everyone should be entitled to their own opinion and not be put down for their beliefs or subjected to others personal political beliefs.

Thank you for your visits and comments. They are greatly appreciated. I'll try hard to return the favor on your blogs. Have a wonderful day.

Friday, May 28, 2021

Willy Nilly Friday 5 - May 28, 2021

 Happy Friday!
It's been awhile since I've posted for WILLY NILLY FRIDAY FIVE 
so today I'm going to join in.  Although Tom doesn't run the blog hop anymore you can still post photos for it.
1.  May Day flowers - This is just one of the two May Day baskets that I was lucky enough to receive.  This one my sweet hubby gave me.

I've always thought it was fun to see birds sitting on wires.  -  Check out the video below of what one man did with birds sitting on wires.

3.Just a stray kitty that shows up occasionally to eat the cat food we leave out.  This one is very skittish so I took this shot through the window as it was leaving the front porch.

4. Dragon Lily -
Dracunculus vulgaris
My granddaughters boyfriend told me about this plant that grows near where he lives and I waited patiently until it bloomed.  He described what the flowers would look like and I google (stinky purple flowers) and eventually found out what this plant is.  It's Dracunculus Vulgaris - It apparently smells bad and attracts flies, it's also toxic so in handling it you should wear gloves.  I think it's pretty cool looking though.
5. Goosey Lucy - Spotted peaking out front a fence on.

6.  Bonus shot:  Haven't shared much about our newest family member, Darby the dog.  So here is a picture of him and Coleen.

He's going to start some training next Friday and hopefully he will learn some manners.  He's the sweetest dog but needs help learning what is good behavior and what is bad behavior.
Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend.

Monday, May 24, 2021

Awww Mondays - Little Biker Girl

 Joining in today for Awww Mondays hosted by Sandee over on Comedy Plus.

My last two posts have been very sad posts so today I'm sharing something a lot more cheerful.

Took "Red" outside the other day to see her grandpa and he was on his Harley with the engine running so we sat her down on it too see how she would do and she just sat there like a little trouper.  Didn't fuss or cry even though the engine was running and making a lot of noise.  This were her first time on the Harley but probably not her last time.
And just one more for cuteness as I caught her asleep on the floor the other morning and couldn't resist taking her photo.

Have a great Monday and a fantastic week.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

In Loving Memory - Another Loss

 Just a quick post today because it's to hard to talk about right now.  Heaven gained another new soul yesterday.  

I lost my middle brother, Richard to Covid yesterday.  He was 68 years old.

He was a wonderful brother and I will miss him tremendously.  

More to follow at a later date. - Rest in Peace my dear brother.
February 12, 1953 - May 5, 2021