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Thursday, September 14, 2023

Signs of Autumn

 Summer is rapidly winding down...only 8 days left until Autumn begins.

It's one of my favorite seasons and last week I took a walk and discovered a few early signs of Autumn.

A few of the leaves changing on this tree already.

On the way to the store I spotted this tree and had to get some pictures of it.

Those bright red leaves really stand out.

Around the block from us I spotted a trio of pumpkins growing in a neighbors yard.

Also on the same walk...some berries from a Dogwood tree.  I just looked this up, It's called a Chinese Dogwood and apparently the fruit is edible.  I may have to walk back around the block and eat one. -Edited to add:  Well I walked around the block again and found a couple of the fruits still on the tree.  Picked them, washed them, cut them open and ate a small amount of the flesh.  - Opinion, taste a bit sweet but texture is mushy, too many seeds which you aren't supposed to eat and well just not worth it in my opinion.


Thanks for stopping by.  - I hope you have enjoyed your visit.


  1. I did enjoy my visit and those pumpkin photos are gorgeous. really gorgeous... love the trees with a little color and a lot of green

  2. Wonderful photos. I've never seen a Chinese Dogwood. That fruit is rather fascinating looking.
    Hard to believe it's almost fall. This year sure has flown by.

  3. I have seen this fruit on dogwood trees, and wondered if it is edible. It looks rather foreboding, so you were brave!


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