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Thank you for your visits and comments. They are greatly appreciated. I'll try hard to return the favor on your blogs. Have a wonderful day.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Catching up

Hello and Welcome. - Yes I have been absent from this blog for most of this year.  Due to the unforeseen death of my niece and the fact that winter tends to depress me I just haven't felt much like posting.

I'm going to start today's post way back on New Years Eve with our family celebration.

 Our goofy family shot.  

Snacks and dessert. - We had eaten Nachos (prepared by our daughter, Greta earlier) - Sadly I forgot to get a picture of those.  They were delicious though.

We played some games,  this was Charades.  First picture is Jojo and her mom.  Second shot is, Jupiter.  Yes I played too but I don't think there were any pictures of me playing.  I suck at this game.

A game of Uno being played.  - I'm in the 2nd photo.  After a rough start and my protesting that I didn't like the game I ended up winning.

Jojo playing with her New Years light up toy.

Champagne and Sparkling Cider ready for the midnight toast.

Jojo wanted to see some fireworks so Jupiter set a few off for her.

Greta and Jojo watching.

Bing, bang, boom and 2025 arrived.

Little did we know what would happen later.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Heaven Gained a new precious soul.

 It is with great sadness that we lost my precious niece, Krissy early New Years morning. -  It's just been a week since she left this earth but she left a huge hole in my heart.

I will post more at a later date but I wanted to post this much.

You will be missed Krissy - Rest in Peace.  Love you always.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

A Fun Gift - 3D printer style. Lots of pictures.

 Hello & Welcome. - Gosh it's been awhile since I've posted.  The holiday season is so busy and this year has been no exception.  Today though I am sharing some really neat stuff that my awesome brother, Roger sent me.

I'm known as the "crazy cat lady" so be prepared!

Musical kitties

Aren't these hilarious and oh so true if you have cats!

Going to have fun decorating next Halloween with these amazing pictures.

                     Loving the Steampunk look of these.

                      A little Abstract cat art is always fun.

                                 What cats are thinking about.


So many different styles of kitties but oh so fun and cute.

He also sent these:

                               Aren't these fun bookmarks!

                             For the corners of the door 

     Simon magnets for the refrigerator. That cat cracks me up.

Some non-cat themed items: Well a couple are cats but they are Big Cats:

He also sent some Christmas ornaments with all our pet's names on them and some cat related ones.  They are already on the tree so I will have to get pictures of them at another time.

Just so you know he did not design the actual art work.  He finds pictures and then chooses the colors and such and prints them off on the 3D printer.  They have great texture to them and are really neat.  I took the photos with my phone so they don't actually show how really cool these are.

Thank you brother, it was a lot of fun opening and unwrapping that box of goodies.

Friday, November 15, 2024

It's a Wedding

 Time goes by way to quickly - This event happened in September and I'm just now getting around to sharing it.

I had the pleasure of attending my nephew, Richie's (aka Cricket) in September.  He's the son of my brother, Richard who passed away in 2021.

Here are highlights from the photo's that I took (on my phone) as I didn't take my big girl camera with me.

                                         The wedding arch

How they honored my brother

The groom waiting for his bride

The bridesmaids

                The groom, groomsmen and officiant.

The flower girl.  The older redhead helping her is the grooms      daughter.

Here comes the bride,  They went by so quickly it was hard to get a decent picture.


                                The couple at the arch 

Saying their vows

The Ring (bear) bearer

                                       Exchanging rings

Sealed with a kiss

Newly married couple (Richie and Courtney)

                 Bride & Groom and the bride's son at the reception.

Cutting the cake

Grooms slice

The Brides slice

My favorite picture of them - Her expression is awesome.

Some of the many yummy desserts from the dessert table.    

It was a fun event and I wish them many happy years together.